Going Back to Valinor

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When Kaya got off the boat, nobody was waiting for her. She figured as much because she was back two days early. She ran home with the cat in her right arm against her side and one bag over her shoulder with the other bag in her left hand. She got home and went directly into her and Frodo's bedroom. She threw her stuff down and sat down on the bed with Shadownight in her arms. She stroked the cat for a while and then let Shadownight down. While dashing to the living room she found herself running to Frodo for comfort and picking up speed as she drew closer.

Jumping around the arch to the living room she grabbed Frodo's collar and pulled him closer to her than ever before. She then forced his lips onto hers strongly. Frodo was surprised with joy and happiness and love and comfort.
"Kaya! Your back early, I am so happy!" Frodo said in between kisses. "Yeah, I missed you so much that I decided to come back early. And Legolas gave me this cat too! Her name is Shadownight."
"That cat is beautiful Kaya! That was awfully nice of him." Frodo's eyes narrowed. "He didn't try to kiss you or anything, did you?"
Kaya chuckled. "Such things shall not be spoke of Frodo! Trust me, I shall stay faithful to you no matter what. Legolas has moved to Ithilien anyway, therefore, I shall not visit him as much. Trust me Frodo, trust me."
Frodo gave her a reassuring hug and kiss. "I love you too Kaya."
The rest of the day, Kaya and Frodo went out on a date. Frodo pleased Kaya and got her many things: flowers, a ring, and a necklace. They did not see Aura and Lindir. They did not worry though, they wanted to be alone together anyway.
They climbed the tree to find the squirrel again. Kaya had seen the squirrel so many times that she named it Chip. They kissed in the tree a lot just like they used to. Aura and Lindir walked by and Lindir yelled playfully at them, “Don't forget to breathe while kissing! It's very important!" They didn't mind Lindir's remark. They just kept doing what they were doing. That night they took care of Shadownight and went to sleep with Kaya wrapped in Frodo's arms tightly.

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