A New Sprout

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It was ten hours later before a baby boy was born. Aura was very strong, and Lindir was very proud.

The baby sounded sweet cries, indicating that it was a healthy one indeed. Aura noticed tears streaming down his face at the sight of their child's beauty.

"Aura..." Lindir softly stated. Aura was holding their newborn, also crying. It was as though everybody had forgotten about the chaos that had erupted many days before.

The baby stopped crying. It opened its brown orbs, staring right into Aura's blue ones.

And with that moment, which seemed to last forever.... A change was brought forth.

No one in the room remembered what evil even was. There was no fighting after that.... And none spoke of it ever again.

Aura and Lindir named their baby Adonnenniel, meaning "rebirth."

After that, their child prospered and they- Aura and Lindir, Frodo and Kaya- prospered for ever and ever...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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