The Return

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Everyone had a blast on the ship. Kaya not once rethought her decision about picking Frodo instead of Legolas.  Kaya mostly admired her ring and wondered how Frodo knew she would pick him. It didn't matter now.

When they got there, Kaya was astonished at how beautiful it was. Frodo said in a playful way, “Do you like it?" Kaya sarcastically said, “Nooo! It is terrible." They both laughed and grabbed their stuff. Frodo showed them their room. It was gorgeous. It had a king size bed with a bed spread of silk and elvish fabric. It was a dark green and had a midnight blue trim at the bottom. There was a bookshelf in the corner with any book you could think of. There was also a desk for Aura and Kaya to sit at to write music. Lindir would join them. Kaya hung up her clothes and folded some things and put them in the closet or dresser draws. She went into the bathroom and there was a very large bathtub and shower. The toilet was behind an extra door on the far side of the restroom. There was a mirror surrounded by lights. Two sinks lined the wall against the mirror. Frodo was happy to see that Kaya enjoyed their room.

They went back to the ship to see if anything was left on it. They ended up finding Peregrin Took on dock looking for Frodo. Pippin looked at Frodo and grabbed him into a big bear hug while saying, “I missed you master Frodo!" They started talking all the way into the night. Kaya got to know Pippin and asked, “Have you happened to find love yet?" She couldn't help it since everyone at the Shire seemed to have a love. Pippin looked at Kaya and said,“Why yes. Her name is Tess Shadonail. She is very kind. Have you meet before?" Frodo then proceeded to tell him the whole story and they all had a big laugh at the end. Pippin's raining for being there was to attend the wedding of Kaya and Frodo. Frodo sent a letter to him when they were getting ready to aboard ship.

After talking for oh so very long, they all split up and went to bed.

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