The Last Song

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Three days went by. In one day, Aura, Tess, Lindir, and Frodo were going to leave for the Havens.

Kaya walked around, hopeless. Where was Aura? She checked in the room at which they were staying at, the garden, the throne room (and while she was at it she asked Thranduil to go to the Havens with Legolas for the wedding) Kaya's own dwelling, and much more.

As Kaya walked by, she heard the beautiful strumming of a custom harp. "Wow, that sounds so beautiful!" A freshly written song was being played. The sound of a male voice was heard as Kaya put her sharp hearing ear to the door.

It was Lindir's.

She never knew that his voice was more legendary than any of the highest minstrels in all of Arda. Then came a female voice, one that she had not heard for a long time.

It was Aura's angellic voice with in harmony with the legendary voice of Lindir. They were perfect!

Kaya remembered that Aura was once a minstrel in Mirkwood. A minstrel with her. Kaya always wanted to stay in Mirkwood with Legolas and remain the renowned minstrel for her people to hear everyday, but she also wanted to join Frodo in the Havens and sing her songs of love there.

Kaya began to cry at the songs words. It was a song of precious light and the mysteries of love. She remembered what Aura had explained to her jsut days ago.

She had asked Thranduil to go to the Havens with Legolas for the wedding, but he declined. "Middle Earth is where you and Legolas belong, though it may be the age of men now, my great kingdom shall remain Kaya. I need my son to stay here with me and make his own new kingdom, and he wants you to be his queen. Let's keep it this way."

The song stopped, but it remained looping in Kaya's head. Kaya began to clap outside the door.

Lindir opened the door, alarmed by seeing Kaya just inches away from him. "Greetings Kaya!" he happily said.

Kaya was speechless. "Th-th-that song... Th-that song was amazing you guys. Such love was put into this magical song!"

Aura got up and walked over to Lindr. They linked elbows. "Why thank you!" Together they bowed.

"We just thought that we would write it for the wedding. Actually... we were wondering if you could perform it!"

Kaya smiled. "I really want to! If I could just go to the Havens..."

Aura gasped. "You mean, he did not let you?"

Kaya shook her head and began to cry once again. "That is alright Kaya, everyting will be okay." Aura comforted.

Kaya walked away, saying nothing more.

Later that night, Kaya walked into her room to find the song and lyrics on her bed. She also found a note attached to it. It read:

Dearest Kaya,

We understand that you can't come, and that is okay.

We want to give you this song. It shall be my last song here on Middle Earth.

Our last song.

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