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Aura ran out of her house once she got ready. Running to Kaya's house, she pounded on the door. Kaya ran out and dragged Aura to a nearby tree. "It's Frodo. I swear! It's him that has changed Valinor... I know what happened -a squirrel told me. Everybody seems to be negative now. What shall we do?"
"How will this problem be eliminated?"
Aura thought. Regretfully, she gave her conclusion that was explained in a dream to her. "Death."
Kaya gasped. "No..."
"Frodo bears something that can not be erased from his soul. In order to erase this dark bearing, Frodo must die."
Kaya began to cry. "He can't die Aura! That's terrible!" Kaya jumped down the tree and raised her voice.
"I know it's a possibility that's the only way but you can't! You just simply can't! I won't let you! He's my husband!!!! We haven't even had a kid yet!!!! We were waiting to see yours and how nice it was to have a kid around. Why do you have to take that away from me! I thought you were my friend!!!!! I'm going stay closer to Frodo now than ever and I WON'T LET ANYONE HURT HIM! He's mine and I'm his! If he dies, I will too!"
Aura jumped down the tree and started running after Kaya.
"Then why do you still bother to see Legolas again then?!" Aura screamed.
The words shot through Kaya's head and poisoned her entire being. Her eyes turned dark with a burning rage. "What- did you say? Why do I bother to see Legolas? Well guess what? I am not! I am no longer seeing Legolas now; he has moved to Ithilien and we have moved on! HOW COULD YOU EVEN SAY SUCH A THING TO ME AURA?!"
Kaya dropped to her knees. "Aura, you are so rude! Why I could just-"
"That's what I mean."
Kaya wiped away tears and looked up at Aura. "Frodo has to die."

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