The Final Decision

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Frodo approached the wooden door of Kaya's home and gave quiet taps on the door.

"Kaya?" he quietly called. "Frodo?" she replied.

The door suddenly opened and Kaya was in her evening dress. "Please, come in."

Frodo walked in and sat on the sofa that was in the room. Kaya sat beside him and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Frodo, I have decided something."

"What is it?" he replied softly.

"This was the hardest decision I have ever made, but I feel like it is for the best." Kaya began to cry, soft tears falling onto the couch like rain pellets on moist earth.

"Frodo, I shall no longer be going to Valinkr with you. I shall stay and become Legolas's love. I feel that our lives could be filled with less pain if you just let everything go."

Frodo instantly began to sob like a 2 year old that got its toy taken away.

"KAYA! This is not for the best. I do not care what anybody says! You are mine!"

Frodo quickly pulled her into a tight embrace, which made Kaya begin to cry.

Frodo looked at her and asked what is wrong. Kaya opened her mouth to say something but no words left her lips. She was a music box that couldn't play anymore. She got a few words out and those words were, "If you love someone, let them go. I'm now letting you go."

Frodo made a face of why and sadness. Kaya then quickly said, "Go. If we were meant to be then we will see each other again someday. You are only making this harder and more sad. Goodbye Frodo."

Frodo leaned in for a kiss but Kaya turned her head and said, "Go."

Frodo walked out slowly like there was something missing in him. It was Kaya's love and warmth. Kaya closed the door behind Frodo and layed down on bed crying and felt like there was something missing. And there was. It was the love that Frodo brought whenever he was in sight.

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