The Fight

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"Kaya!" Aura called in an angry tone to Kaya as she strolled in the garden. "I'm leaving today... Do you want to say something because I might change my mind with an apology?"

Kaya looked up from her gaze in the ground. "I have nothing to apologize for!"

"By the way, Frodo is leaving 3 days after us. So HA you won't have anyone to comfort you." Aura then proceeded to trot out of the garden with Kaya in tears of sorrow and loneliness.

Legolas found Kaya crying in the garden and went to comfort her. He realized that Frodo was at the other entrance approaching Kaya and Legolas stopped in his tracks realizing that what he was about to do was very inappropriate since they were a couple. So he walked away and eavesdropped.

Frodo said, "it's true. I'm leaving three days after them. I can't bare the thought of being without you! I love you Kaya! But uncle Bilbo thinks it's unreasonable to stay if you can't go because we will just grow more attached and will never say goodbye. I love you Kaya, I really really do! "

Kaya then turned her head to find her lips smashed against his. While kissing they both grabbed each other into a bear hug and continued to kiss. It was a LONG time before they stopped.

No words were spoken. The silence broke by Legolas walking through the garden. He said," Why are both of you on the ground?" Kaya then explained everything with her cracking voice from the crying. Legolas then picked Frodo up off the ground. "I am tired of this." he angrily said. "Hobbits are no meant for elves. Kaya is an elf, and you are a hobbit! I hate how you came here Frodo, and Kaya is mine for the taken! Do you see what you are putting her through?!"

By now, Frodo was about three feet off the ground, only hanging by Legolas's angry grasp.

Legolas then let go harshly and proceeded to throw Frodo on the ground. Kaya then said, "Legolas and Frodo! Stop! Stop!"

"Stay out of this Kaya!"Legolas yelled! Frodo had fire in his eyes and try to throw a punch at Legolas but he dodged. Legolas pushed Frodo hard which caused him to fall down on a small rock which scratched his hand hard. Frodo got up and yelled,"WHO ARE YOU TO KNOW LOVE? YOU'VE NEVER EXPIRIENCED IT NOR WILL YOU! YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR DAD, SELFISH AND CRUEL!" Legolas then said while pointing at Frodo, "I've loved before and you better be lucky that Kaya is here to protect you. I'm only sparring your love because it is obvious that she doesn't love me and probably never will unless you brake up with her!" Legolas stormed out of the garden angrily and was glad that nobody else was around to hear or see anything.
Kaya was frozen. Frozen in sadness and anger at the two fighting. "I thought that you guys were heroes and brothers in battle, not selfish and unwise nitwits!"
At this Kaya stormed off crying back towards the room where Frodo was staying.
Frodo looked down in shame, wondering if Kaya wanted to see him any longer.

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