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Kaya was not ready for everyone to leave. She hasn't even made her decision yet! Frodo and Legolas were anxiously waiting for an answer. Kaya was just torn between an elf and a hobbit.

Frodo packed up and started to walk towards the ship. Kaya came up behind him. She grabbed him and kissed him. Then she ran to Legolas and did the same. She wanted to see who had the biggest spark in her.

This didn't really help but it did make a difference in her mind. The spark was in the hobbit. The hobbit that was one the great ring bearer. The hobbit that was always happy in the Shire. The hobbit that would keep on being jolly no matter how things would end up. The elf could always find someone else. He was the kings kin for crying out loud. The king wouldn't let Kaya go but she chose Frodo. She was stuck with Legolas but chose Frodo.

She ran to Frodo and jumped into his arms. Frodo dropped his bags before catching her. He knew her decision when she was holding on to Frodo like it was the last thing she would ever do. Legolas knew the answer too when she saw her reaction to Frodo picking her up and holding her for a long time gazing into each other's eyes. Legolas knew this was the magic that he would never have with Kaya. He ran to his dad and told him to let Kaya leave with Frodo when the ship leaves. Thranduil looked astonished at his words.

Thranduil walked out to the dock to see everyone getting on board when he walked up to Kaya and told her she could leave with Frodo. She screamed at a VERY high frequency and ran to Frodo and told him to wait another hour. He gladly stooped the ship for another hour and helped pack up everything. She brought her stuff on the ship and they still had fifteen minutes left before departure so Kaya went to Legolas. Kaya lifted his head up to face hers. Legolas said in his deep tone voice,"I'll miss you. Please visit." Legolas then proceeded to embrace Kaya onto his lips one last time. Kaya would miss Legolas but knew she was making the right choice. They parted and Kaya said,"I'll try to visit this great place of Mirkwood every few months."

Legolas smiled and nodded goodbye.

One True Promise Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt