Kaya and Frodo's wedding

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Kaya and Frodo woke up excitedly. Today was their wedding. Frodo got changed in the bathroom and Kaya got Aura to let her use her bathroom. Frodo had a black and white tuxedo. Kaya had a beautiful dress that ruffled at the bottom. It was electric blue at the top and slowly got darker as if went down. The bottom ruffles were navy blue. Kaya was very excited that she would soon be the new Kaya Baggins!

People were very anxious to see a hobbit elf marriage! It was an abnormal event but Legolas showed up. He was not as chipper because he wanted to marry Kaya! Legolas was very kind while at the Havens. The grand music began to play and Legolas walked Kaya down the isle. She met the smiling Frodo at the end. They turned to each other to find themselves holding hands. They were in each other's love.

Before they knew it the justice of the peace said,"Speak now or forever hold your peace." A tall figure stood up and practically yelled,"I OBJECT!!!"

Legolas. He screamed, "KAYA AND I WERE REALLY CLOSE AND YOU JUST CAME IN AND HAD TO RUIN IT ALL! SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN MINE BUT YOU THROUGH HER FOR A LOOP WHEN SHE IS AND WAS CLEARLY MEANT TO BE WITH AN ELF!" Legolas was not one bit embarrassed. He felt good after what her said. Kaya was worried because it was now up to the justice of the peace to decided If Kaya and Frodo will get married or not. Frodo's face was of hurt and what seemed to be shame. The justice of the peace decided that if Legolas could come up with another reason than the justice of the peace wouldn't have the marriage continue and Frodo and Kaya couldn't get married.

Sure enough Legolas looked into Kaya's eyes and said this,"Remember when we first kissed and it was because I was jealous of Frodo? That is when I felt the spark between. I thought that when we dated after Frodo left that we would have no worries and it would be like old times. Then you kissed me when Frodo and Tess came. That was our biggest spark. I don't think Frodo should have come in the first place because it caused all this controversy and you clearly had feelings for me until you met him at the back gates that night and kissed each other. A hobbit is no meant for an elf! That is my second reason." Tears coming to Kaya's eyes from remembering all those memories and anxiously waiting for what the justice of the peace would say. The justice looked confused and said,"Is this true Kaya? Is it true that you have kissed both the elf and the hobbit in a short time span?" Kaya nodded not wanting to speak to hold back the years. The justice then said,"Does anybody else have a reason why these two shouldn't be weeded?" Then a meek little voice said,"Frodo wad mine for the taking but Frodo couldn't stop thinking of Kaya. I still love you and don't want you to marry Kaya." How did Tess get there so fast?

"Then it's settled. Kaya and Frodo shall not be weeded." The justice proclaimed. Everybody saddened because they all made an effort to make this a really good wedding for an elf and a hobbit to be married. Frodo grabbed Kaya into a deep, soft, romantic kiss. Everyone didn't care anymore because the wedding couldn't become real.

Kaya stormed over to Legolas. "Why do you ha". That's all she got out before Legolas did the same thing that Frodo did moments earlier. Kaya felt bad with this happening right in front of Frodo but she sort of missed having Legolas give her kisses like these. She looked up at his blue eyes and said noticed what he just did. She jerked back after a moment and said,"Why did you have to keep Frodo and I from getting married?" Legolas responded in his deep toned voice sincerely,"I missed you. Life at Mirkwood just isn't the same without you. So, when I got my chance to get you back to me, I took it! You're mine in my heart no matter how far away you may be. I missed you!"

Kaya smiled and gave him a hug. "I missed you too." Legolas then automatically said,"Then you must come back with me! We can get married, start a family! We're elves! We won't die for a long time but hobbits die eventually!" Kaya yelled,"No! Frodo is four me! I know you love me but Frodo needs me and I need him!

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