Don't Fret Lindir

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Tess and Legolas saddened at the fact that they knew Kaya and Frodo would now be together forever. They both left that evening. Frodo and Kaya were now inseperable. They had their after party the same way Aura and Lindir had theirs. It was a blast! Aura and Lindir gladly played the fun, upbeat music. It was almost hobbit like music. Everyone had a great time and went to their dwelling's afterwards.

When it was time for bed, Frodo grabbed Kaya where she couldn't escape his grasp. It was like she was going to be kidnapped but Frodo wouldn't let go. She felt his warm spirit against her body and enjoyed it. They peacefully fell into a deep sleep. Frodo woke up before Kaya but waited and kept laying there, holding her tight against his body. Frodo was very excited that Kaya was officially his and he was officially hers. This have Frodo peace at mind, not worrying about his missing finger or the fact that even though she was married, Legolas still had feelings for her. Time passed and Kaya looked up to find Frodo's smiling lips against hers. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Frodo said as he let go of his grasp so they could get out of bed. “Well. I slept well. I felt good but weird being that tight to you. What shall we be doing today?" Kaya replied. “It's up to you. We could walk around and I could show you some neat secret places that I found. Or we could talk about our future. I don't know but whatever you want to do we can do!" Frodo was very unsure what to do. He didn't want to do any of those things but he wanted to fill the silence. Kaya finally suggested that they go find Aura and Lindir and see what they're doing. They were talking. Aura and Lindir said that they would help Frodo and Kaya get settled in since they were now together.  Aura helped Kaya with her stuff and Lindir with Frodo. They didn't get much finished because they were talking.

“I have something to announce!" Aura said excitingly. Everyone jerked their heads over to face Aura. Aura smiled because this would be the first time Lindir would be hearing it too. “I am with child!" Aura announced. Lindir jerked over, almost uncontrollably. “You are? This is great! This shall be a challenge: but a fantastic one. Whatever shall we do when the time has come?" Aura looked up at him, gazing into his eyes and said, “When the time comes, you and I both will be ready." They kissed for Lindir's assurance that he shouldn't fret about this. Kaya and Frodo were smiling and clapping when Aura made the announcement. This brought joy to the four of them. They were all talking about arrangements for the child. At the end of the day, Aura and Lindir left the Baggins' dwelling. Kaya turned to Frodo and said, “We shall hold a baby shower for Aura next week! It will be great!"


Frodo smiled at the idea and while falling asleep with his arms wrapped tight around Kaya, the same way as last night, he said, “Alright. Can't wait!"

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