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Aura and Lindir were in bed talking. It was late at night, but they did not mind. Lindir rubbed Aura's belly. She laughed. "That tickles!"
"I wonder how Kaya is doing." Aura said when Lindir stopped rubbing her belly and just had his hand on it. "I'll bet she is talking to Legolas. I wonder if she has already refallen for him. I think she'll cheat on Frodo."
Aura gave Lindir a dirty look. "No way! Unless Kaya is tricked into Legolas's love.... No! She is WAY to innocent to do such a thing! It's like you have no faith in Kaya at all."
"Aura, I'm sorry but I have never trusted Kaya. She can't stay stable with one man. It's on again off again with her, Legolas, and Frodo."
"I think she will stay faithful."
"I still agree to my side."
"Lindir, I believe that you are wrong. Why do you think such things?!"
"What are you talking about? Look, I believe that Kaya is a beautiful girl but, she needs to stop switching back and forth! She is married and imagine how much Frodo has been through for her to just throw it away."
Aura thought about this for a minute. "You are right, and that is why we need to go there right now!"
Lindir began to laugh. "Aura, just let her be. It is her own fault if she cheats on Frodo. She needs to learn right from wrong. You said it yourself, if she is so innocent and something happens she'll come back."

Aura protested all night with Lindir. They finely came to an agreement that they would get Frodo in the morning and they would all leave top make sure everything was alright.

Frodo responded to them, "Kaya will think I don't trust her and be very angry at me. This could ruin our trust between each other! I refuse to go unless you have proof of Legolas doing something bad to her that could hurt our marriage!"
Lindir and Aura jumped. "Alright Frodo, just relax we are sorry for asking."
Frodo kept a straight face. "Don't be. I get it."

Frodo wondered if Aura and Lindir were right. Perhaps he should visit just to make sure Legolas wasn't trying to steal Kaya. "No! You have to put trust in the elf that is wedded to you." He thought to himself. With that, he sat down and wrote a letter to Kaya. It talked about that Frodo missed her and that he was just making sure nothing was wrong and Legolas wasn't doing anything to her.

*at Mirkwood*

Kaya pulled Legolas' collar towards herself. She gave him a bad/angry look and said, "What did you do that for? I'm married!" "You're the one that kissed me back. I also did it hoping you would fall for me again." Legolas rebuttaled. (Letting go of his collar) "Well, I feel so bad now (sitting down, put her hands on face trying to hold back the tears)! It's just that"
Kaya felt lonely all of a suddon, even though she was not even close to alone. All of a suddon, she began to sob. "You know what? Forget it! I hate this place, and I do not love you! No matter what! I should have never visited, and you can bet that I am not coming back!"

Kaya walked out of the room and made sure to slam to door as hard as possible.

"I never felt such feelings in the Havens." she cried.

A few minutes later, Legolas knocked on the door. "What?" Kaya whined.

"If you ever want to visit me again, I am moving to Ithilien."

Kaya gasped, but said nothing to reply. She realized that she needed to go home. She didn't want to leave her birth place, especially now that this might be the last time she would get to see Legolas. She jumped up and opened the door to grab Legolas in a big bear hug. "Please don't go." She said softly. He let go from the bear hug. "But I must. I still have to do one more thing before I pack and leave."

Kaya cried. "No Legolas, you musn't leave! This is your home, our home!" Legolas shook his head and laughed. "No Kaya. Your home is West and my new home is Ithilien."

"Stop. You are not going to visit me again anyway. And even if you can visit me in Ithilien."
"I was just saying that. I didn't mean it. I was gonna visit you again, I would just bring Frodo with me. Don't go! What was the last thing you had to do?"
"I have to pack one last cloak, then I shall be on my way by horse. You may come with me if you would like."
"Indeed, I shall go with you! For the cloak only. I must get back to the Havens when you leave for Ithilien. Thanks for the welcoming kiss, now here is a goodbye one."
At the sound of that, Kaya pulled on his collar where her lips touched his.

Kaya walked with Legolas to his room to get his last cloak. The room looked very empty. Kaya and Legolas were silent.

With this, Legolas and Kaya heard a cat meow from under the bed. Legolas bent down and picked up the cat. "Kaya, meet Shadownight. This is my cat. I can't take her on the boat, would you like her?" Kaya nodded yes and picked up the cat out of Legolas' hands. "Hello kitty. You're going to the Havens with me. Sorry it's a boat but I'll take great care of you." Kaya stroked the black cat with a burst of light brown on his face. Kaya brought the cat and all of its stuff to her room. She couldn't wait to see the look on Frodo's face due to the fact that Frodo always wanted a cat but never found the right one.

Kaya wrote a thank you note to Legolas. Shadownight meowed and purred against Kaya's feet.

Legolas was gone the next time Kaya went out of her room.

"Well, let's go back now Shadownight. I am your new owner now." Kaya cried.

We only got to see Legolas for a short time, which she was very sad about. She packed her bags and read a letter from Frodo that arrived earlier that day. She set sail with Shadownight that night.

On the trip home, Kaya thought about Frodo. She couldn't wait to hug and kiss him again. She missed the curly hair and the big blue eyes. She layed down with Shadownight and drifted off to sleep. When she awoke, she was about twenty minutes from the great ring bearer, the hobbit she was married to.

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