The Wedding

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Today was the day was Aura and Lindr's wedding.

Already in a big part of open land, with rich green grasses and flowers all around, the wedding arch and chairs were being put in place. Flowers were all around, and many people rushed happily about the area, making all sorts of food.

Aura and Kaya were busy putting on Aura's dress and doing her make up. When they got it all on, Aura looked in the huge mirror. She smiled. "I love it, I can't wait for Lindir to see!" The dress was a light green color, giving it a sense of gentle and purity in it's precious silk. The dress was smooth and tight all the way down to about the belly button area, then flowed out like a never ending waterfall in the sunlight. The dress had silky sleeves that hung down, and it had a golden leafy trim at the top. The outfit was complete with a golden circet and veil that went all the way down to the floor and even dragged.

Kaya looked down at Aura's engagement ring. "What a nice ring!"

"Why thank you!" Aura replied. The ring was a costum one, that looked as if to be specially made by a skilled ring maker. The ring had two golden tree twigs with special glowing white diamond studs engraved in them. The ring was completed with a great diamond that rested on the top of the ring. The diamond's position in all light seemed to give a glow to the ring, making it seem magical.

"I wonder what Lindir looks like!" Aura giggled, thinking of him.

There was a sudden knock at the door. It was Frodo saying that Kaya and Frodo needed to take their seats because the bells were to chime in five minutes. Kaya then reminded him that she was a brides maid and that Frodo was supposed to walk Aura down the eisle. Frodo had an embarrassed look on his face and said, “Oh yeah. Sorry. See you in five minutes.

Sure enough, five minutes passed and Frodo and Aura are walking down the eisle. The bells chimed in and the organ played beautiful music. Lindir was in a blue and black gown. In the church light it looked white and gold. His hair was braided on the sides and he had a half up half down on top. They met at the end of the eisle, said their vows. They put the rings on each other gently. Then they kissed and had a grand party afterwards! They went to the dining hall and moved tables to dance and then sat down and had a grand feast.. Afterwards, it was 12:30p.m. everyone went back to their rooms and changed clothes. Then Aura and Lindir snuggled close and talked for a long while, for they were not tired at all.

Kaya and Frodo snuggled close in their room and Kaya fell asleep in Frodo's arms quickly.

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