Chapter 1: Assistance

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"Dustin!" I shout the name and the customer comes up with a grateful smile.

"Thank you," he says as he grabs the cup.

"Of course, have a nice day," I say with a fake smile.

I huff slightly once the customer turns around and leaves. "Hey, I got to head out. Can you lock up for me?" My boss, Matt, asks as he walk to me.

"Yeah, ten minutes left," I say as I grab the keys to lock up. Matt smile and heads to the back exit. I start to clean up and groan quietly when the entrance bell dings. "Welcome to NYC Café, what can I get you?" I ask not looking at the person as I walk to the cash register.

"Large black coffee," I hear a familiar voice say and I let out a sarcastic chuckle as I look up.

"What can I do for you, Agent Coulson?" I ask the man.

"We need your assistance," Phil Coulson says and I sigh as I lean against the counter behind me.

"This is about the third time you are asking for my help. I already told you, I am not going to be apart of whatever you're in," I says as I place my hands on my hips.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. and this is more crucial than the last," he says and I smile.

"You said that the last two times and it doesn't look like the world has ended yet," I tell him and Coulson slightly glares at me.

"This is different," he tells me and I sigh as I stop leaning against the counter.

"What is so different now?" I ask him as I finish cleaning up.

"We are bringing our top people in. The one's with the best strength that can beat a son of a god," Phil says and I stop what I'm doing. I turn back around to face him.

"What do I have that is different and what do you offer for me?" I ask him.

"Well for one," he says taking a few steps to me, "You were raised in the Red Room," Coulson says and I take a deep breath.

"Stop," I tell him, but he continues.

"You were involved with one of our top agents," Coulson continues and I sigh. "And," he says taking a knife out of his pocket.

"You were born with genetics to heal fast when you want to and when you can," Coulson says stabbing me in the shoulder, "And you were also born with seventy-five percent of the strength that Captain America has. It seems like nothing to you, but it's a lot to S.H.I.E.L.D. Lastly, we offer you acceptance and a chance at being better then you were before."

I groan quietly as Coulson holds the knife in my body. He then pulls it back out and the wound slowly starts to heal. "Ta da," I say while waving my hands sarcastically.

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