Chapter 4

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[Eden POV]

Tommy was off doing tasks for Sam Nook again so I was left at home for a bit. Which never bothered me, Tommy made sure to never take to long.

My pet cow, who me and Tommy decided to name Henry, after his old pet cow, was sleeping on the edge of my bed.

I was wandering the rooms when I heard voices from outside the house. I quickly grabbed my blue hoodie, stuffing the white bandana in my pocket as I headed towards the front room.

I snuck into the front room and hid behind some dirt to try and see if I recognized the figures outside.

One had a black hoodie with white lines round the edges, 2 horns on the top of his hoodie, and a demons tale visible from the bottom of the hoodie. I couldn't see his face as his back was to me but he stood at a very tall height along with black claws showing once his hands where visible.

The other was quite literally a humanoid cat, he was wearing a white button up under a brown hoodie and black pants, topped with enchanted neitherite armor and a trident in his hands. Paws? Something. Though the thing that stood out the most were the blood red eyes that did not look in anyway normal.

"We could try and plant some here. He would be forced to encounter it then." The cat man spoke first, holding a weird red plant seed in his hands.

"He's already encountered it, the egg has spoken. He needs to be taken care off." The other voice spoke, his words sending chills down my spine.

'Are they talking about Tommy?'

'What egg are they talking about?'

'Why are they here?'

I refocused my mind to see them waking away, the way of the blocked off road rather than the way me and Tommy had gone yesterday.

I wrapped my bandana around my mouth and put my hood up. I don't feel safe here anymore. I want Tommy.

I checked the two men were gone before leaving the house, Henry would be fine in my room. I'll come get him once I find Tommy.

I didn't actually know where Tommy's hotel build site was so I picked a direction away from the scary men and went that way hoping for the best.

[Ranboo POV]

I headed towards Snowchester to visit Tubbo, while on my way there I noticed something waking not to far in front of me.

It was small and blue, but definitely not a mob.

A twig snapped under my foot, making what I thought was a blue blob turn to face me.

'That's a child.'

Once the kid made eye contact with me they threw their hands over their eyes, stumbling and falling over by the sudden movement. Now sitting in the floor their hoodie had fallen off their head, revealing short dark brown hair that went pretty much everywhere. Along with a white bandana that has been covering their face now hanging off their neck.


"Hello!" The kid responded very normally, like they hadn't just fallen and couldn't see.

"Are you alright?"

"Mm mhm." They nodded at me, still covering their eyes.

"Right um..." I paused. "Why- are your covering your eyes?" I crouched down slightly.

"I don't wanna make Mr. Enderman mad so I'm not looking."

'Oh that's adorable.'

"Oh- well- I'm technically not an enderman."

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