Chapter 2

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Veer gets a call and the manager tells him he has a meeting tomorrow and it's in Mumbai, Veer says okay he's coming, dadi asks him where he's going, Veer tells her he has a meeting tomorrow.

Dadi tells him first talk to his uncle, Veer tells her he doesn't need to take anyone's permission to go somewhere, he tells her he has already told her about this so it's enough for him.

Veer then goes from there, Dadi thinks he's really stubborn and his uncle also God knows what will happen now.

Bani thinks finally she gets the job and now she will get independent, her sister is really stubborn, she doesn't know why her sister wants her to get  married.

Bani reach the hostel and put all her things on the right corner, she thinks now she will not get dependent on anyone and her sister will also not taunt her.

Next morning, Veer tells his dadi he's leaving, his dadi thinks he didn't even tell his uncle now God knows what will happen, his uncle will be really angry on him and he's also not that innocent he will also be that angry.

His uncle asks dadi where is Veer he wants to talk to him, dadi tells him he has gone for the meeting, his uncle tells her he didn't even ask him and just leaves.

Dadi tells him he has tell him and it's enough for him, his dadi tells him don't force him to do anything otherwise he will never return here and she doesn't want that.

His uncle thinks his dadi has make him feel very special that's why he's like this and doesn't listen to anyone, his uncle thinks he will make sure he gets married to his daughter.

Veer in the car thinks about the meeting, he thinks it's already really late he doesn't want to be late there, he tells his driver to drive fast, his driver tells him the car has broken.

Veer gets angry he asks him how the car gets broken, the driver tells him it's the machine it can broke anytime, Veer tells him it's already very late and he can't afford to lose this meeting.

His driver tells him he can take taxi or bring another car, Veer think he can bring another car it's very far away and it will take a lot of time for the car to come.

Veer sees the bus he tells his driver he's going by bus, his driver tells him he never travels on bus how can he afford it, Veer tells him he can travel and he's already late for the meeting.

Veer travels on the bus and he is passing by just then he sees the bus hostress, he removes his glasses to see her clearly, he gets mesmerize by seeing her. (the bus hostress is bani)

Veer sit on the chair still watching her, some man asks the hostress to bring water for him, the hostess bring and the person misbehaves with her, Bani gets angry and take class of that person, Veer sees all this and gets impressed.

Veer call Bani and tells her he wants water, Bani brings it and mistakenly drops it but she didn't apologize and left, Veer thinks she's really daring.

Mayuri friends come to her home, her friends tell her she has a really big home, Mayuri says thanks, her friends tell her she's really special.

Mayuri asks them why they are saying like this, her friend tells her because she's gonna get married to Veer for whom all girls are getting mad.

Her friend tells her Veer is getting married to her rejecting all the girls proposals so she's really special, Mayuri smiles and tells them yeah she's the only piece so she's really special and no one is like her.

Her dad listens all this he thinks he will talk to Veer about this, his daughter really likes him.

her friend asks her where is Veer, she tells them he must be in office, her friends say okay now they are leaving, Mayuri says bye to them.

Mayuri thinks where is Veer, she thinks is he gone to Mumbai even she want to go with him but he didn't take any her never mind he's only his and no one else he will get married to her only.

Veer reach his office and thinks about Bani, he thinks she's really beautiful and daring, he wants to know her name and where she lives.

Veer friend come to him and asks him why he's smiling, he tells him about the girl, his friend asks him is he fall in love, Veer tells him is he mad or what.

Veer tells him she's not from his status she's only a bus hostress then how can he fall in love with her, his friend tells him he will know later what love is.

Veer starts doing the office work but couldn't concentrate on it, he thinks what is happening to him.

Precap: Veer buy all the bus

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