Chapter 16

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Bani tells her saas it was her past and now she is in her present, she loves Jay a lot and even he loves her a lot so it's not good to interfere in their relationship.

Bani tells her saas she knows she doesn't like her but please don't degrade her like this, her saas thinks she is right her son like her so just forget it.

Veer thinks he wants Bani in his life again, he knows she will be really angry with him but he will try her best to persuade her.

Veer friend tells him he really wants him to get married, Veer tells him even he's thinking to get married, his friend asks who is that girl, Veer tells him he will tell him later.

Veer tells him he has some important work he will join him later, his friend thinks he knows whose that person it's definitely Bani, he thinks why can't he forget her and move on in his life, she would have married by now but he's just after her.

Veer asks his mens does they find out about Bani location, they tell him they are trying their best, Veer tells them not try their best but he wants the results soon and do that fast.

Veer thinks where is she, he really wants to apologize to her and wants her back in his life again.

Next morning, Veer think today is his office big day so he should leave early, Bani sees the date of today, she thinks today is Jay's birthday, she should buy something for him.

Bani goes to shopping mall, Veer was passing by shopping mall, he then suddenly run on the road and reaches shopping mall.

Veer sees Bani and his flashbacks goes in his mind, Veer smiles looking at her, Veer goes behind her, Bani sees the watch and thinks it's too expensive she can't afford it, Veer sees it and tells the manager he wants to buy it.

Bani then sees the dress and she rejects it because of price, Veer buy that too, he then goes behind her, she eats chaat, he remembers he also use to eat chaat with her.

Veer can't help but keep smiling seeing her, he thinks she looks really beautiful even after ages.

Veer goes behind her and he knows where she lives, he thinks she lives in this small house and that to with a old woman.

Veer then goes to his home and sees the picture of Bani in his phone, he thinks finally he sees her today, she look the same even after so many years.

Veer thinks for whom she was buying gifts, it's for the male because the watch is male type not girl.

Veer thinks is she married or what, he thinks he has to find out, he call his assistant and tells him to find out about Bani sharma.

Bani thinks why she feels different today like someone was behind her but who, she thinks she's overthinking she should only focus on Jay and no one else.

Next morning, Veer asks his assistant did he find anything, his friend also come there, he asks him what he's doing, he tells him he will tell later, his assistant gives him all the details, Veer gets happy and gives him a bunch of money.

His friend asks him what he's doing, he tells him he has find Bani, his friend gets shock and asks him how and where is she, Veer explains him everything.

His friend tells him he's really happy for him, Veer tells him it's something wrong with her and he has to find out that.

Veer sees all the details and gets sad when he sees Bani's photo with Jay, he thinks it's mean she's married, his friend tells him don't worry they will find better girl for him.

Veer tells him okay he has some work to do, Veer tries to do the work but unable to do, he remembers Bani and Jay's photo, he thinks he's unable to see him with Bani.

Veer goes to canteen, his friend asks him why he's sad he should get married, Veer says even he's thinking the same, his friend asks him whose that girl.

Veer tells him the problem is she's married, his friend asks him don't tell him she's Bani, Veer says yes she is.

His friend tells him just forgets her she's married and happy in her life, Veer tells him but he's not happy and he wants her she has wound him and she will cure him too.

Veer tells him he lost everyone because of her and now he wants her back in his life, it doesn't matter she's married, he will accept her.

His friend tells him he has gone mad, he tells him she's finding job and he knows what he has to do.

Bani gets the call and tells her she has got the job in Singhania office, Bani gets really happy.

Precap: Veer and Bani comes face to face

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