Chapter 20

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Veer tells Jay he invites his whole family to his home tomorrow night for dinner, they have to come with his whole family, Jay says okay they will come.

Bani listen this and thinks she will never go there, he's not a good person and she can't trust him at any cost.

Veer tells Bani tomorrow they will visit sir home so wear some beautiful dress and also take out some good clothes for him to wear tomorrow.

Bani tells him she doesn't want to go, she's not feeling well and she doesn't think, she will be able to go work for few days, Jay tells her okay he can understand, she can stay at home.

Bani feels relaxed, she thinks now she will stay in home, she doesn't want to work at his office, she will resign from there too.

Jay call Veer and tells him his wife is not coming and he doesn't want to force her, she work a lot and now she's tired so she will stay at home.

Veer tells him okay he can understand, Veer thinks how can Bani not come, he wants her to come so that he can see her.

Bani thinks she did the right thing to refuse to go, he's not a trustworthy and she doesn't want to see his face all the time.

Veer call Bani and asks her why she doesn't want to come, she asks him how did he get her number, Veer tells her Jay gave him.

Bani tells her she doesn't want to see his face and she will resign from his office too, Veer tells her she's not doing the right thing.

Bani tells him she's not scared of him and now leave her alone, Veer tells her okay he will not force her.

Bani thinks how can he understand her and not force her, she thinks maybe he knows she can't be his now and he has to move on from her.

Next morning, Veer gets ready and goes to office, Jay comes to his cabin and tells him he really wants Bani to come but she's just not ready to come.

Veer tells him it's okay if she's doesn't want to come, he tells Jay he can give him promotion if he brings his wife to his home because he wants all his family at his home, he doesn't has anyone now.

Veer tells him he has dadi but she's no more and he's really attached to her, he really miss her sometimes.

Jay tells him he promised he will bring his wife too at his home, Veer gets happy and says okay he will wait at his home.

Jay leaves, Veer thinks now Bani has to come, he thinks he wants her to come because he wants her to see he's really incomplete without her.

Jay reach his home, he asks Bani does she want to see him successfull, Bani says of course, she wants to see, he's her husband so every wife wants to see their husband successfull.

Jay tells her to come with him at Veer's home, he tells her please he wants her to come with him.

Bani tells him she doesn't want to come, she's not feeling well, Bani tells him why he wants her come with him, he tells her Veer wants to give him promotion, if he brings her with him.

Jay tells her Veer doesn't have any family and he wants to see complete family that's why he wants everyone to come, please come with him, he will give him promotion then their all problems will be solved.

Bani tells him okay she's coming, he kiss her forehead and leaves, she thinks he's really clever, he knows they need money and he's taking advantage of that.

Veer thinks tonight Bani will come in this home after 2 years, he thinks about his and Bani intimate moments, he thinks she's really beautiful and innocent girl.

Veer thinks he's really stupid to leave such girl ro satisfies his ego but he's really changed now, he will never hurt her again, he will always love her so much.

Veer gets a call, his manager tells him Jay had a girlfriend before he met Bani and he used to love her a lot but she was greedy so she left him.

Veer thinks now he knows what to do next, he tells his manager to find about that girl, he wants to meet her.

Bani wears a red saree, Jay tells her she's looking really beautiful, they all left for Veer's home.

They reach his home, Bani recalls all her memories in his home, she thinks he used her in this home, he make her pregnant and leave her but she will never let him know he has a child.

Veer sees Bani and gets mesmerized seeing her, he thinks she's looking really beautiful, she will be in his life soon.

Precap: Veer visit Bani's home and she gets shock to see him

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