Chapter 10

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Bani tells her sister she will go and meet Veer, Her sister tells her she's sure he will never understand her and she will only get hurt, Bani tells her at least give her a chance to make him understand her situation.

Her sister tells her okay, she's giving her one chance and if he doesn't listen then just come home, Bani says okay.

Bani reach Veer's office and tells the receptionist she wants to meet Veer, the receptionist tells her she can't meet him, Veer sir is in meeting, Bani says okay she will wait here.

Bani sees the time she thinks it's already really late, why his meeting hasn't finished yet, she asks the receptionist is the meeting still going on.

The receptionist tells her she doesn't know and she thinks she should go to her home, Bani tells her she's going in, she goes in and sees Veer is sitting and doing nothing.

Bani asks him so this was his meeting, Veer asks her what she's doing here, Bani tells him she wants to tell him something, Veer asks her what, Bani tells him she was kidnapped and she doesn't know why anyone would kidnapped her.

Veer tells her he knows she was kidnapped and the kidnapper is him, he kidnapped her, Bani asks him why, she was shocked to listen this.

Veer tells her he kidnapped her because of revenge, he wants to take revenge from her and he's succeeded in this.

Bani asks him why he wants to take revenge from her what she has done to him, Veer tells her she has done everything wrong with him.

Veer tells her first she rejects him which his ego hurt badly then she slapped him that to in front of everyone and she expects he will forgive her for this, Veer tells her he hasn't forgotten what she has done to him and his family.

Veer tells her that's why he has make a plan to trap her, he thinks first he will make her fall in love with him then take revenge from her.

Bani about to slap him but Veer hold her hand and tells her don't she dare to do this mistake again otherwise it will very bad consequence.

Veer tells her she can leave now, Bani tells him she will destroy him, she will tell everything to media, Veer tells her good luck, Bani leaves.

Bani cries badly thinking about Veer, she thinks he betrayed her very badly, she will never forgive him, she thinks God will see him and he will get punishment for sure.

Bani reach her home, her sister sees her and asks her what happened there, Bani tells her it was Veer who kidnaps her.

Her sister asks her how she knows, she tells her Veer himself tells her and he wants to take revenge on her that's why he do this.

Her sister asks her does he loves her, Bani tells her no he doesn't love her, he just wants revenge and he's succeeded in it, Bani tells her she really loved Veer but he betrayed her and broke her Into pieces.

Her sister hugs her and tells her they will leave this city forever, Bani tells her she will not go from here, she wants to destroy Veer's image, she will go to media and will tell everything about him.

Her sister tells her why she wants to take risk, he will not spare her if he knows what she's trying to do.

Bani tells her she doesn't scared of him and she will make sure she ruined him, someone comes and rings the door, Bani opens the door and the person gives her the envelope.

Bani opens the envelope and gets shock to see her pictures, Her sister also sees the pictures, Bani get a call from Veer, he tells her don't she dare to go to media otherwise he will viral these photos of her in media.

Her sister tells her she will not go to media and she will also not go out, Bani tells her how can she let him win, Her sister tells her they can't fight with him so just calm down.

Her brother in law come and tells her he will go and talk to Veer, he goes to his cabin and starts scolding him, Veer tells him don't he dare to scold him.

Veer tells him he knows he doesn't care about anyone so just make a deal with him, her brother in law asks what kind of deal.

Veer offers him 50 lacs and tells him just leave this city forever and handle Bani, she shouldn't say anything about him ever, her brother in law says okay, he promised him she will never say anything wrong about him.

Veer smiles, her brother in law come home and tells his wife to handle Bani, she's really in a big trouble, don't let her speak ill about Veer, Veer is really dangerous he can do anything, her sister says okay she will handle her.

Precap: Her sister tells Bani to go to aunt home to stay, she leaves, Veer agrees to marry Mayuri

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