Chapter 27

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Taylor’s Pov

I grinned watching Emmy, never did I ever think my younger sister would be such an amazing dancer, we were currently doing rehearsals for the nutcracker, “Keep that leg turned out Emmy.” I commented, reading my teacher’s mind.


I grabbed my water bottle handing it to Emmy, “Good job.” I mused, pushing her bangs that fell out of her ponytail away from her face, she shrugged at me, her brown eyes looking up, “Slow down, you are going to choke.” I mused, she pulled the water bottle away from her, taking a deep breathe, I smiled lightly, “You’re nervous?” I asked, she nodded, she was always very quiet at dance, never really talked until we got home, letting everything run in her mind. “I just don’t wanna mess up.” She mused, looking back onto the stage, where some other dancers were running through the dances, “Emmers, you aren’t going to mess up, dance is like breathing to you, it’s so easy.” I mused, resting my hands on her shoulders, she looked up at me, “You’ll be fine.” I mused, “You are sounding like Dad.” She muttered, “That better be a good thing.” I mused.


I walked into the living room from the kitchen a bowl of popcorn in one hand, soda and water bottles in the other, I looked up and almost laughed, Emmy was walking on Cody’s back, “Really?” I asked, walking further into the living room, setting the popcorn and drinks on the coffee table, “She’s really good at this.” Cody mused, Emmy grinned lightly, “Yeah, I should know, she does that to my parents often.” I mused, grabbing the tv remote off the coffee table, sitting down. Emmy got off my boyfriend, sitting next to me, Emmy and I finally convinced my parents to go out for a “parent” night and let Cody come over to help babysit, after Emmy “acted up” the parents thought I would need help, parents can be so stupid. Cody got up to come sit next to me, “Hey, no, you, here.” Emmy said, pointing next to her, I chucked, “Hey, she was told to make sure nothing went down.” I mused, shrugging. Cody rolled his eyes, sitting next to Emmy, “What are we gonna watch?” He asked, “Frozen!” Emmy squealed, Cody and I groaned.


“She’s asleep.” Cody mused, looking down, stuffing popcorn in his mouth, Emmy was snuggled up to him, fast asleep, “No doubt, Frozen makes her sleep.” I mused, getting up, stretching, “I’m going to go put her to bed, I’ll be back.” I mused, “I’ll be waiting.” He smiled at me.

I walked back down stairs, popping my shoulders as I went, “Emmy said don’t do anything.” I mused, grinned, walking into the kitchen, grabbing my medicine for the night, knowing that my parents would be getting home late and I would be needing my sleeping pill to help me get through the night without them here.

“Well she’s young, she doesn’t know what anything means.” Cody mused, flipping through Netflix, I walked back into the living room, sitting next to him, he wrapped his arm around me, “Easy, don’t put pressure on my left shoulder.” I muttered taking my pills, “Yes ma’am.” He mused, setting the remote down, letting cartoons play, which I wasn’t bothered by since when the parents aren’t home it was normally on some cartoon. “Left shoulder right?” He asked, I nodded, he put a bit of pressure on my shoulder blade, and I groaned slightly, “Sorry, you have a knot there.” He mused, kissing my cheek gently, he was going to school once he finished high school to be a physical therapist. “Push your shoulders back.” He mused, I did as told, I felt a pop and then the pain was gone, he rubbed my shoulders gently, “Thank you.” I mused, “Ballet is hard work.” He muttered, leaning in gently, he pressed his lips to mine, I pulled away gently, smiling at him, he kissed my forehead, “I love you Taylor.” He whispered, my heart skipped a beat, “I love you too.”


I giggled lightly, “That’s so not how you do ballet.” I mused, looking at my boyfriend, we were in the dance studio, getting there early, no one was here besides the owners, “Then show me. Better yet, teach me to Waltz.” He mused, I grinned lightly, walking towards him, the music box remote tucked into my dance skirt, easy to press play. (A/N: I do this so much not gonna lie) I grabbed the remove, flipping on the Waltz, making sure it would repeat, then slide the remote onto the floor where it would be out of the way. I took his hands in mine, “If I’m correct, which I’m probably not,” I mused, resting on of his hands on my waist and then held his other hand in mine, “Now, just follow my lead.” I mused, “Isn’t the guy supposed to lead?” He asked, teasingly, I looked up at him, rolling my eyes, “You don’t know what you are doing though.” I mused, “True, very true.” He mused, “Just follow me.” I mused, taking a step back, he watched his feet, I let go of his shoulder, my hand gliding his jaw line, his eyes locked mine for a second, “Keep your eyes on me.” I mused, he nodded slowly, I took a step forward, he followed, soon, we were Waltzing, “Would you like to take the lead?” I asked, he chewed on his bottom lip, which was adorable I might add, “Am I ready?” He asked, I nodded, “You pick up things easily.” I mused. He took the lead from me, no problem at all, soon we were waltzing around the room like pros, he spun me and dipped me, us laughing at each other when we  messed up, the music stopped making us look up, my teachers clapped, I blushed, removing my arms from my boyfriend, “Taylor, I didn’t know you could Waltz.” Ms.Lowyns said, “I learned from watching tv mostly, I never took a class.” I mused, shrugging, “We do need a younger couple to help teach the adults to waltz and ballroom dance, you two should come in, I’ll pay you ten or fifteen dollars a class.” The owner said, I nodded smiling.


“Stay still.” Cody mused, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration, I couldn’t help but giggle, he looked so cute. “Shh.” He whispered, I was laying on the drive way, him walking around me, trying to trace my body, “You are so focused, Cody, it doesn’t need to be perfect.” I mused, he stopped, he was right at my head, our eyes locked, “It needs to be perfect, because you are perfect.” He whispered, still quite focus, I stopped giggling and looked at him to make sure he was serious. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, going back to tracing me.


“Here and here.” Cody mused, sitting next to Emmy at the dinner table, while Alexa and I were cooking dinner, “But, it doesn’t make sense.” Emmy groaned, “I know it doesn’t, but that’s how they are going to make it.” Cody mused. Alexa grinned, “He’s a good big brother for sure.” She mused, I nodded, “How come he’s never home?” Carlos asked, something I knew my parents would ask sooner or later, “He, really doesn’t get along with his parents..” I mused, from what Cody told me, he hates going home, knowing he would get in trouble for something. Kendall scratched as the scruff on his face, thinking. “He can stay here.” He mused, which shocked me, “What?” I asked, “Yeah, he can stay in the guest room downstairs.” James mused.


So, Cody has kinda moved in, with my parents heart of golds they have, they decided to just let him live here, for now. “Thanks for letting me stay here, it’s really nice of you guys.” Cody mused, smiling, later on at dinner. “It’s no problem.” Alexa mused.


Kendall’s POV

“Well, after some researching.. It seems that Cody’s parents died in a car crash in 2007.” The lady over the phone told me, “He is currently missing from his foster cares home.” She muttered. I glanced at the boys and Alexa, the kids were at school, and we all got really curious. “The next hearing for him in tomorrow, I don’t know if you would want to go to it, he is in need of a foster family.” The woman mused, “Thank you very much.” I said, hanging up.

“Should we?” I asked, “We have everything here, we could offer.” Alexa said, getting up, walking into the kitchen.

(A/N): What’s gonna happen?

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