Chapter 23

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Emmy looked up at me, I was still in the hospital, still not eat, still trying to not die. "Tay." Emmy asked, taking a bit of the cookie I had gave her.
"Hmm?" I asked, eyes not moving from the TV screen, "Take a bite of the cookie for me?" She asked, I finally looked down at her, my now grey eyes meeting her blue green ones. "Why?" I asked, "'So you can get better." I almost laughed at my little sister. "It's not that easy, Em." I mused, taking a glance at my parents who were asleep, or what it seemed.
"Why not?" She asked, "It's hard to explain." I muttered. "Sissy." She muttered, I sighed, she was so stubborn, "Em, the reason why I can't eat is because I'm afraid." I muttered, I glanced at Alexa, who was fully awake, I thought she was asleep? "Why are you afraid?" She asked, "You ask to many questions, I'm afraid to gain weight." I mused, "Why?" She asked, I sighed heavily, grabbing the cookie from her, taking a bit of it, 'That's at least 5 calories' I said to myself. "Calories." I mused. Alexa got up and stood next to the bed, "You know it's not all about calories?" She asked, I nodded, "It's about me, my body image." I mused, she nodded slowly, right then and there I knew, Alexa was going to help, just like my dads will.


After a lot of arguing and a few white lies, I got discharged, which then led me to a long, speech on the car ride home, from Carlos.

"I'm telling you right now Taylor Elizabeth, you are going to be watched, day in and day out, you are going to eat, at least half of what we set up for you. You don't realize you could of killed yourself, you could of put yourself in your death bed." "Carlos, that's enough." "Alexa, please." "No, 'Los, you are being to hard on her." "Fine."
Alexa smiled at me gently, "This isn't easy dad, I didn't do this to myself, do you not see societies standards? If you aren't pretty and thin and tall you are pretty much a no body." I said, glancing up at my dad in the rear view mirror, he sighed heavily knowing I won this battle.
So a week later, I was slowly, slowly, starting to eat more, of course I cut everything up in tiny pieces, counted the bites, then counted the calories in those bites and of course I would get told, "Taylor, eat, stop counting." Or "Tay, stop." But that's family. Every now and then between breakfast and lunch and then lunch and dinner Emmy would come into my room with some kind of snack, which I had to give it to her, she was an amazing 'chef.'
"Hey, Kiddo." I looked up from my kindle which was a late Christmas present from the grandparents since my family was telling them, my book case chair was filling up with books to the point my books were starting to clutter my desk, to see my aunt Kenzie, which is Alexa's sister, she was just like an older sister to me, gave me a lot of advice when it came to many things. "Hey." I said, closing the cover to the case on the kindle. "I won't keep you long since Alexa told me you were reading for school but I just wanted to tell you, if you ever need me, I'm a phone call away, you gave the family a scare, put 'Los in a panic attack," she chuckled, "but please, stay safe, if you feel like relapsing or anything, talk to someone, either it be me, or one of your parents." She mused, I nodded, she hugged me, kissed my forehead and left my room. I did scare everyone, everyone cares and that's exactly what I needed to know.

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