Chapter 19

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~Taylor’s POV~

~3 Weeks Later~

I sat at the kitchen table doing homework, I bet you all want an update, blah blah blah, well the cuts are healed completely, can barely even see them, Emmy is school now, but she goes to the public school down the street, which I’m okay with, I mean it’s her choice. Speaking of that..


I looked up to see the red head running into the kitchen, “Hey little red.” I mused, a new nickname that the family came up with.

I glanced up as she pulled the papers out of her backpack, “Look, look!” she said I stopped knowing that she was home that for the first five to ten minutes I needed to just focus on her. I looked through the papers grinning all 100% and smiley faces.

“Good job red.” I said smiling at her, looking up slightly to see James trudged in behind her.

“She might be getting good grades but her attitude is horrible.” He muttered, oh yes, parent teacher conference.

“Emmy.” I said giving her a warning look.

“I didn’t do nothing.” She said.

“Uh huh sure pushing kids and back talking.” James said.

“Daddy I told you, it’s protecting myself.” She said. I smirked trying so hard to hide it but James caught it.

“Taylor.” He said, I shrugged.

“She’s making sure she doesn’t get hurt.” I said.

“She almost broke a kids arm.” James said.

“He deserved it.” Emmy mused.

“What did I walk into?” Alexa asked arms full of groceries.

“Arguing.” Emmy said.

“Guys.” Alexa said giving James a glare.

“Our daughter is being a bully.” James huffed.

“Protecting myself.” Emmy said which I covered her mouth, mouthing, “no more.” She really didn’t need to get James pissed.

“James, you don’t know what’s going on in the class, you aren’t seating next to her, that teacher just might not like our daughter.” Alexa said.

“See.” Emmy said

“Emilia.” Alexa said giving her a glance, Emmy shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, leave to Emmy to get her butt in trouble, she might only be six but man she knows how to push buttons.

We all heard car doors slam, “Daddies home!” Emmy squealed, the other three always took her side, which was quite funny.

And enter actors four, five and six and action. I said in my head smirking to myself going back to my homework.

“Hey kiddo.” Logan said picking her up, and she started rambling on about all her good grades before James could get in a word in other wise.

Once she stopped James coughed getting the other dads in the rooms attention.

“We have a problem. Emmy here is getting herself into trouble in more ways than one.” He said laying a piece of paper down.

“Emmers.” Carlos sighed.

“Protecting myself.” Emmy said her arms crossed over her chest.

“If it was protecting yourself then tell me what happened.” James said.

“So, this boy, Tony was being mean to my boyfriend, I mean guy friend and I got mad so I went over there and pushed him, I didn’t know he was going to fall, I didn’t even know how I got that much strength and he fell and it bended and yeah.” She said nodding.

I smirked, good save Emmy good save. Alexa shook her head lightly my way, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

“Did you say boyfriend?” Kendall asked.

“Guy friend.” She corrected, she must of over heard me talking to them about my ‘guy friend’

“You said boyfriend.” Logan said.

“Guy friend.” Emmy mused.

Then I got lost in my homework until I heard a glass shattering squeal from Emmy, my head snapped up and oh lovely, she’s getting tickled lovely. Okay so Emmy was so much more ticklish then I was, she was an easy target. Really easy target.

“Leave her alone.” I called.

“Nope!” I heard Kendall. I got up and walked into the living room grabbing Emmy quickly.

“I’m trying to do school work.” I huffed.


It was 12 in the morning and I was still up. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn’t even look up.

“Taylor.” I looked up and saw Carlos, I gave him a crooked smile before going back to work.

“Sweetie it’s midnight, you should be in bed.” He said walking up behind me rubbing my shoulders.

“I just need to get this done.” I muttered, I was tired and him rubbing my shoulders wasn’t really helping in my case.

“Come on, we can finish this in the morning.” He said picking me up gently before carrying me off to bed.

“But I need to finish it.” I said quietly.

“Shh.” He said, laying me into my queen size bed. “Go to sleep.” He whispered pressing a kiss on my forehead.


I didn’t get a bit of sleep that night, not one bit. I groaned rolling out of bed hearing Emmy run down the hall. I walking into the kitchen yawning.

“Sleep good?” Kendall asked.

“Nope.” I said

“You look tired.” Logan mused.

“She didn’t get to bed til midnight.” Carlos said.

“Cause of school.” I said.

“But.” Kendall said looking at me.

“The nightmares are back.” I muttered quietly.

My dads and I had a deal, I didn’t have to go to therapy every week if I didn’t cut and if I didn’t have nightmares. Looks like I’ll be going back. Great.

“I’ll make an appointment.” Logan said, I groaned.

I hated therapy in more ways than one, every time I went I felt like I was going to have a panic attack it made me uncomfortable know that here, I was labeled crazy.


“Taylor, I want to try group therapy with you.” She mused.

“Group therapy?” I asked.

“You’ll be in a group of kids your own age and we do fun things.” She said.

I chewed on my lip, I didn’t like that, other kids scared me.

“No one would hurt you Taylor, no one.” She said.


 And somehow this women got my parents on board, how is that I’m not sure, but it sucks. Majorly.

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