Chapter 14

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I sighed lightly resting my head on the desk, my head was pounding to the point where tears were rolling down my cheeks, my school work was finished got that done in an hour, my dads were at work don’t know when they’ll be back and I’m in freaking pain and I want to die.

“Taylor? Are you here?” I heard a quiet voice, I lifted my head slowly, Alexa. Yeah, she’s my mother, right? Yeah. Well, mom. Yes, mom. I’m still not used to that. She told me the day I met her I didn’t have to call her mom unless I wanted to, which I had yet to do.

“Up here.” I called back my head hurting worse. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then my door crack open.

“Are you okay?” she asked, I heard the worry in her voice quite clearly.

“Nope.” Was all I could really get out without thinking to much.

“You are really pale.” She muttered. She walked over and knelt down resting her hand on my cheek, I could feel the wedding ring along with the engagement ring pressed lightly into my cheek.

“What hurts?” she asked.

“My head, it’s pounding really bad and I don’t know what’s wrong.” I said a tear rolling down my cheek, Alexa quickly wiping it away.

“Come on, let’s get you down stairs, I’m pretty sure your dads have migraine relief around here somewhere.” She said giving me a sweet, motherly smile, which I smiled back. “Can I carry you? I know how those migraines can get, my last one got me so back I couldn’t even walk.” She said petting my head, which I was enjoying. I nodding slowly and she picked me up with ease.

I never had this kind of mother figure, ever. I didn’t have that mother that would care for me like this, it was different. But I liked it.

Alexa sat me on the bar stool as she started looking through the cabinets, I saw her smirk lightly, “Only Los would set up our house just like yours.” She said before shifting through the fridge.

I grinned myself, before my face went serious as she placed the pill and a glass of sprite in front of me. “Why did you and dad get your own place?” I asked, Alexa looked up from the sink where she was about to start washing the dishes that were left this morning.

“I don’t really know sweetie, I asked Los and he told he didn’t want to overwhelm you, which I didn’t complain he hasn’t told me everything you’ve been through but what he’s told me, if I were you, I would of still been closed up.” She said giving me a sympathetic smile.

I shrugged at her words, “Let’s just say, the boys got lucky they have such goofy faces and good personalities.” I said taking the pill, she smirked lightly.

“Bad mouthing your dads I see.” She said smiling. I shrugged.

“We’ve all done it.” I said grinning. She laughed lightly shaking her head looking at the clock behind me, “You must be hungry.” She said frowning lightly.

I went to nod but stopped short. “Nah, still full from breakfast.” I said, grabbing the papers I had printed earlier.

“Homework?” she asked, I nodded, “So glad I’m not you.” She murmured.


We were about a good way through dinner, the boys had come home from work and Alexa decided to make spaghetti for everyone which I was quite loving. I had my phone in one hand flipping through quiz flip cards, currently quizzing my dads. “Convert 10 to the 4h power into thousands.” I said smirking, I was in algebra which for me was easy. “What are we talking about for this math?” Alexa asked finally sitting down, “Powers of ten.” I informed her.

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