Chapter 4

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“Max?” I asked.

“Tay-Tay!” Max screamed and started running towards me.

I ran towards him and picked him up spinned him around.

We stood there hugging for what seemed like forever.

“I've missed you.” Max whispered.

“I've missed you too Maxxy.” I said

“Well look how much you have grown!” We heard I opened my eyes.

“Oh my god! How?” I asked looking at my Dads, about 4 feet from them was Maggie.

“We did some searching our selves.” Kendall said smiling.

I put Max down and ran over to them and hugged them.

I looked over at Maggie.

“Oh my god Mags!” I said tears welling up in my eyes.

“When Alison told me you got adopted I didn't think you would get adopted by a famous boy band.” Maggie said smiling. I took off running to her.

I tackled her in a hug.

“I missed you too Ms. Taylor.” She said hugging me.

“How? When? Wait a minute Dad how did you get a hold of Maggie and then Max's foster parents?” I asked looking at them.

“Well Maggie has full custody of Max now.” James said.

“When?” I asked looking at Maggie.

“The day he turned 7.” Maggie said smiling.

“And no I'm not here to take you away from your new parents. But whenever you want to come visit us you can cause Max and I have moved into the LA area and we are only about three hours away.” She said

I turned around and looked at my dads then ran over to them. I hugged the life out of them.

“Thank you so much.”

“You needed to see them.” Logan whispered in my ear as I hugged him.

“Now I'm sure two people would love to ride in a limo.” Kendall said

“A limo?!” Maggie and Max exclaimed.

“So that's what you brought me in.” I said.

“Come on Maxxy.” I said as he ran to me.

We all got into the limo and we all started talking.

Max snuggled into my side.

“I can't believe you got adopted by Big Time Rush.” He said I looked over to my dads and smiled.

“So where are we going?” I asked

“Can't tell you.” James said I frowned.

We pulled up to the mall.

“Now you get to buy anything and everything you want.” Kendall said I looked at him shocked.

“Anything I want?” I asked he nodded.

I grabbed the two hands that were the closest to me which happened to be Kendall and Carlos and headed straight for the American Girl Place. I'm 13 and I've always wanted one, don't judge.

I slowed my walk and walked in the store looking at it.

“I knew she would bring us here.” James said smiling at me.

I walked straight to the look a like dolls.

I looked at all the dolls I saw one that looked just like me long blonde hair and green-blue eyes.

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