Chapter 16

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(A/N: I’m on a roll!)

~Taylor’s POV~

“Easy Emmy, easy.”

“Sissy, needs to wake up.”

“She will, give her time.”

I heard the voices clearly, they belonged to Emmy, James and Carlos. I wanted to open my eyes but my body wouldn’t let me. I was really cold though, freezing almost. I felt someone grab my hand.

“She’s freezing.” I heard Kendall mumble.

“I’ll go get a nurse to get a blanket.” Alexa said before the door opened and then closed again.

I heard beeping, probably a heart monitor.

“What’s that thing?” Emmy asked, I wanted to smile so bad, she’s starting to open up and talk more.

“It’s making sure her heart’s beating.” Logan said.

“It needs to be quiet, it’s gonna wake her up.” She said.

I heard the door open and close, heels clicking.

“She’s already up sweetheart, her body is just getting it’s functions back, she can hear us now. Give it about ten more minutes and she should be up and talking.” The nurse said, I could hear the smile in her voice.


Ten minutes went by, the most longest ten minutes of my life.

“Tay-or. Tay-or.. Wake up. I wanna play.” Emmy said, I heard our dads laugh.

“Sweetie, she isn’t gonna be playing for a while, she’s gonna be on bed rest for about a week.” Carlos said.

Emmy whined, “That’s no fun.” She said, when did she start sounding like me?

“But I’m pretty sure I get your cousin to come over and play with you.” Kendall said.

“But, that’s not fair to Tay.” Emmy said.

Come on body, wake up, I want to see my family. Come on.


All I heard was loud beeping, from many things. 

“Taylor, you need to breathe. Wake up, come on.” I heard an unfamiliar voice.

Oh, I wasn’t breathing? Oh, okay.

I heard the beeping slow, and finally my eyes peeled open.

“There we go sweetie.” I looked to see a nurse fixing the machine, resetting it.  

My family flooded in after the nurse left.

“What h-happened?” I asked, my throat sore.

“They gave you to much pain killers.” Carlos sighed, not happy. Oh, lovely, they almost killed me.

Emmy squirmed in Alexa’s arms before Alexa sat her on the bed. She happily laid next to me.

“So I kinda died?” I asked, my throat hurt like hell, it was burning and I was hungry. I couldn’t eat a thing before the surgery.

“Yep.” Kendall said sitting next to the bed.

“Lovely.” I muttered.

“I’m hungry.” I said as the nurse walked in.

“We can’t give you anything solid but I can get you a ice pop.” She said.

“I’ll take it.” I said nodding.

Emmy snuggled into me more, I flinched away lightly.

“Hurt?” She asked, I nodded.

“You are gonna be sore for a while, your body isn’t adjusted to work without your gallbladder.” Logan said.

“Shh.” Emmy said, I glanced down at her, she had her ear pressed into my chest, probably hearing my heart beat.

I shook my head lightly, “Emmy.” I said.

“Shh.” She said.

“Em.” I said.

“Shhhhhhh.” She said getting annoyed with me.

“Emm-“ She covered my mouth and looked me dead in the eyes, blue eyes meeting brown ones.

“Shhh.” She said.

I looked over at my parents who had their phones out recording it, “It goes on Instagram, I’ll kill all of you, in your sleep.” I said.

“Shhhhhhhhhh.” Emmy said only louder.


I was laying on my stomach on the couch, bored out of my mind. I watched Emmy and Emmy run around, I have a sister named Emmy and a cousin named Emmy. Lovely. Alexa sat down next to me, my other cousin Alyssa in her arms.

“You look so bored.” She said.

“Being on bed rest sucks.” I muttered.

“I know it does.” Alexa said as Alyssa cooed in her arms.

“When are you dad gonna have a baby?” I asked, Alexa smirked.

“Not for a while.” She mused.


Okay day four of this bed rest and I’m about to go crazy, I’m so tired of them taking care of me. I’m currently laying in my bed Emmy sitting next to me playing with one of my stuffed bears that the boys had given me. “You like that bear?” I asked her grabbing a piece of her hair, which she flinched away, none of us was really used to her flinching away, but with her past I didn’t blame her. She nodded slowly. “Maybe I can get dad to get you one.” I said, she looked at me with a look that said, ‘which one?’ I giggled, “James.” I said smiling at her.

She nodded at me again hugging the bear to her chest, right as Kendall walked in, “There’s my two beautiful girls.” He said falling on the bed. Emmy crawled over to me resting her head on my shoulder. “Wanna come down stairs and watch a movie?” Kendall asked.

“Taylor can’t leave bed.” Emmy reminded him.

“I can carry her tho.” He said getting up before picking me up making my squeal. “Come on, Red.” He said grabbing her with his free arm. Yeah, we’ve started to call her red now, perfect right?


Emmy and I were laying in the middle of the living room floor, watching Peter Pan. “I still can’t believe you two haven’t watched this.” Kendall said.

“Don’t get to do much in the orphanage.” I muttered, when I said that Emmy leaned her head on my shoulder. “Sorry.” I muttered.

“Except stalk the latest boy band.” Kendall muttered smirking.

“Which is always good.” I said grinning.

“I’m gonna be tinker bell.” Emmy said right as Logan and James walked in.

“Peter pan?” James asked.

“What about frozen?” Carlos asked.

“I was waiting for everyone to get home, alright.” Kendall said shaking his head.

“Put it in then.” Alexa said.

“No, Pan.” Emmy said nodding.

“I agree with Red. Pan first then the other one.” I said smiling.

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