Chapter 12

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I sighed as I rested my head back into my pillows, I didn't want to get up, but I knew I was going to have too. The boys had called my caseworker to see what they could do to stop the panic attacks first thing my caseworker says, “Take her back to the therapist.” This had my nerves shot, I didn't like talking about my feelings. It wasn't going to do anything to help me at all. 
“Taylor.” I heard from the other side of my door. 
I sighed heavily, “I'm not leaving the house.” I said pulling the covers over my head as my bedroom door opened.  
“Tay, you can't hide in here forever.” James said. 
“I actually can.” I muttered. 
“Come on Princess, I'll only make you go once, then the therapist can see what's wrong and hopefully get you on something to stop these attacks.” He said rubbing my back. 
“But if I start taking something for it, people will think I'm crazy.” I said. 
James pulled the covers off of me, “Then it can be like a game, you don't tell anyone and us boys don't tell anyone.” He said. 
“Like a secret?” I asked my blue green eyes shining, he nodding.  
“Now go get ready before I make you.” He said poking me in my sides making me giggle. 
“Dad.” I whined.  
“Go get ready.” He said I groaned before getting out of bed. 
I sighed leaning my head on Kendall's shoulder, “I'm nervous.” I mumbled. 
“You'll be fine Tayters. I mean you've been through this before.” He said. 
“But it's a new therapist.” I said looking up at him.  
“I talked to this one myself, she seems quite nice and she has a specialty in panic attacks.” He said kissing my forehead.  
“Taylor Maslow.”  
I sighed as Kendall nudged me gently. 
“You'll be fine.” He said before I followed the nurse. 
“How are you today?” She asked smiling at me, her name tag reading, Maya. 
“I'm okay.” I said.  
“And right in here.” She said pushing the door open for me. 
I walked in looking around, it was just normal pastel colors, it was actually quite calming. 
“And Ms.Layla should be in soon.” Maya said smiling at me.  
Not soon after Maya left the therapist walked in all smiles. 
“Hi, Ms.Taylor I'm Doctor Braxton but please call me Layla.” She said, I felt calm around her. 
I left there on Kendall's back. 
“You seem much happier.” Kendall said as he held on to my legs and the prescription for some pills for the attacks, that I was suppose to take daily. 
“I am, she's so nice dad, she talked to me like I was a 13 year old, which I am, but oh my gosh.” I said as he chuckled at me. 
“So I'm guessing you'll go back?” He asked. 
“Only because I got a lollipop.” I said. 
Kendall laughed, “Only because you got a lollipop?” He asked, I nodded. 
“You are so funny.” He said putting me in the passenger seat, before going and getting in the driver's seat. 
“I really mean it.” I said putting the lollipop in my mouth. 
“Only because you got a lollipop?” He asked again. 
“Uh huh.” I said nodding as he started driving. 
“There and there.” I said smiling hopping off the chair to look at my work, I got really bored after school and decided to make a college with some pictures that I had collected over the few months I had been with the boys.  
“Looks really good.”  
I jumped before spinning around, staring at Logan. 
“Give me a heart attack.” I mumbled falling onto my bed. 
“But really it looks good.” He said smiling.  
“Thanks.” I said smiling. 
It wasn't anything big just a little thing, were the pictures are spelling out 'Life.' 
“What made you do that?” He asked falling onto the bed next to me laying his head on my stomach. 
“I don't really know, I just got bored and had a bunch of pictures left over after doing that DIY thing for YouTube.” I said looking at him.  
“It looks amazing Kiddo.” He said before pressing his lips to my cotton shirt and blowing on my stomach making me go into a fit of giggles.  
He stopped pulling away smiling at me.  
“I don't think I could get tired of that smile.” He said poking my nose gently.  
I glared at him, I had just got a retainer and they had all been on my butt to make sure I was wearing it and I hated it.  
“I don't like it.” I said. 
Logan pressed his lips to my stomach again almost like he was giving me a warning he would do it again. 
“No, no, no, no.” I said pushing him away. 
He grinned at me. 
“Anyway, I came in here to tell you to get ready, we are going over to the grandparents to have dinner.” He said pushing himself off my bed. 
“Which grandparents? I have four sets of grandparents.” I reminded him. 
“My parents.” He said 
“Yes!” I cheered. 
“Now, out, I have to get ready.” I said pointing towards the door. 
“Yes, your majesty.” He said chuckling before leaving. 
I shuffled through my closet finally deciding on a floral patterned dress and a jean jacket, I slipped on my navy flats and put on some of my bracelets and my Choice 180 necklace, I smiled grabbing my phone before leaving my room. 
I walked down the stairs smiling. 
“Oh pretty.” James said smiling at me. 
“This is nothing for what I got planned for the award show.” I said smirking. 
Award shows were coming up fast and this would be my second time on the red carpet and I knew this time it was going to be much worse.  
“Are we ready?” Logan asked walked down stairs  
“Wait for Kendall and Carlos.” James said. 
After a very nice dinner and a fight with my cousin we finally got home, I was sitting on the couch in one of Kendall's shirts and a pair of my cheer shorts, I knew I was in trouble for getting into  fight with her, but we didn't hit each other we just yelled and another thing was she was bad mouthing me. No one bad mouths Taylor Maslow and gets always with it. 
“I can't believe you would get into a fight at dinner.” Kendall exclaimed. 
“At my parents house.” Logan said. 
I stopped the verge to roll my eyes at the two knowing it would get me in more trouble then I already was. 
“For one Malarie was bad mouthing her.” Carlos said sitting on the arm rest next to me. 
Thank the heavens Carlos was on my side. 
“And Taylor didn't even start it, Malarie said, “You look like a whore.” Taylor had every right to fight back.” James said 
Thank you James. 
“And I heard her myself, Taylor just said, “No I do not.” She did not spat anything back at her that was rude or offensive.” Carlos said his arms crossed. 
“How come you aren't defending yourself?” Logan asked. 
“'Cause I know this, I defend myself and you two say I'm talking back, best way to resolve it is to not talk.” I said shrugging. 
“She has a point.” James said sitting next me. 
“Mom and Dad did that to me all the time.” Carlos said 
“It's a common thing.” Logan said. 
“I give up I can't stay mad at you.” Kendall said picking me up. 
“But Malarie didn't have any right to call you that.” Kendall said. 
“I didn't fight.” I said. 
“Where are we going?” I asked finally realizing we weren't going in the direction of the studio. 
“And she finally realizes.” Kendall teased. 
The five of us had just left my therapist which went okay, but she advised me to get something I could put in my purse as a anxiety comfort object, which I thought was an actually good idea just incase I went into a panic attack or something. 
She had me on two medicines now, one for my anxiety, which I didn't knew I had and one for the panic attacks, which actually keeps me calm. 
“And we're here.” James announced, I looked around and it seemed like we were at an out door mall. 
“Why are we here?” I asked. 
Carlos pointed to a building which made me look and my jaw fell open. 
“Build A Bear?” I asked as I got out of the car. 
“Yep.” Carlos said nodding. 
I grinned walking in my dads not far behind, “Wow.” 
I looked around, so many bears and animals and clothes for the bears. It was amazing. 
“You get four bears and a smallfry.” Kendall said. 
 I turned around, eyes wide, “Are you kidding?” I asked 
“Nope.” The four of them replied. 
Yes, I am spoiled.  
I grinned before running towards the bears looking at all of them, 
I had picked a bear that was tie dye, a black bear with neon stars on it, the Build A Bear mascot and I let my enter directioner come out and I got me a One Direction bear. Why did I let Ciara play One Direction at IMO.. 
I sat back in my room on my reading chair Starlight tucked under my arm as I read through the last The Lying Game's book of the series.  
“What?! No! No, no, no, no, no, no! No! It's not Ethan! It can't be Ethan! Oh it's not Ethan, oh my gosh it is Ethan.” I said reading through the book. 
“So Ethan's the killer..” I said closing the book finally finishing it.  
“I hate books.” I mumbled, putting the book in it's spot on the chair.  
“Well at least the Mercers let Emma stay and be herself.” I mumbled walking over to my desk pulling my laptop out of sleep, clicking to make a new word document. 
I sat there staring at the blank page before finally my mind started working and I started typing. 
After 20 pages I sent it to my English teacher to AR report for the book.  
“Time for a new series.” I said smiling walking over to the chair looking through it, “Pretty Little Liars it is.”  I said smiling pulling the first book out. 
“Taylor! Dinner!” I groaned dropping the book on my bed. 
“Your English teacher called.” 
That one sentence made me look up, “She did?” I asked. I always got nervous when teachers called my dads, but so far nothing negative only positive. 
“20 paged AR report on one book?” Kendall asked. 
I shrugged, reading and writing had always been my strong suit in school. 
“Your teacher said she has never seen a student like you, you are so into reading and writing.” James said. 
Right about now I really wanted to hide, I hated when people commented me on my work. 
“She said she's going to send your work into a college.” Logan said. 
“College?” I asked, he nodded. 
“Taylor your writing and reading at college level.” Carlos said. 
“So?” I asked shrugging take a bit of my food. 
“College is still a good bit away no need to talk about that now.” I said. 
I sighed sitting at the kitchen table the next day, my head was pounding. 
“You alright?” Carlos asked, I shook my head before resting it on his forearm. 
He gently placed his finger against my temple. 
“Headache.” He mumbled before getting up, I rested my head on the table. 
“Here.” He said handing me some Sprite and some headache pills along with my actual pills. 
I quickly took them, knowing I couldn't fight Carlos. 
“Come on you.” Carlos said picking me up, 
“I have school..”I muttered. 
“You can do it later, I want this headache to go away first..” He said kissing my forehead. 
It was four hours later, I hadn't touched my work, cause I was very ahead, and now snuggled up to Kendall. The boys were watching some movie that I wasn't really paying attention too. 
Then something clicked in my head, 
“I have cheer practice.” I said. 
“No, I called you in.” Logan said, I sighed. 
“If you're any better tomorrow, I'll take you to the gym tomorrow.” James said. 
“Need... Cheerleading..” I whined in return I got chuckles. 
“Why do you like the gym anyway?” Kendall asked. 
“I like show you guys up.” I said smiling. 
“Of course.” James said grabbing me, pulling me towards him. 
“I was comfortable there.” I said looking up at him. 
“To bad.” James said shrugging. 
I feel asleep, I hate falling asleep, I miss everything, ugh. 
But.. I wasn't in my room... Where was I? 
Looking around I was in a very dark room, my wrist tied, ohh, nice touch. 
“Hello Taylor.” 
His voice made me shiver, I hated him, he was worse then my father. 
He was something, or should I say, someone, I didn't bring up just yet. 
Uncle Kyle.. He was the last person to 'adopt' me, let's just say he got put in jail and I got shipped back to the orphanage. 
“Taylor, Taylor, come on Sweetie wake up.” 
I shot up, only to be met by a cotton t-shirt, I clinged, I didn't care who it was at this point I just wanted comfort. 
“Shh.. I got you..” 
James. Good. 
“You alright?” He asked.  
I shook my head, no. 
I nodded. 
I shook my head no again. 
“You don't have to tell me.” He whispered. 
“Uncle Kyle..” I whispered. 
“I'm not trying to push you but who is Uncle Kyle?” James asked as we were in the kitchen the next morning. 
I was on the kitchen counter, everyone else in the house was still asleep, I curled myself into a ball, “He was the last person to adopt me before you guys.” I bit on my bottom lip. 
“Was he actually your uncle?” He looked at me moving my bangs out of my eyes. 
“No, that's what he wanted me to call him.”  
James kissed my forehead. 
“What was that dream about, you were screaming bloody murder, I thought someone was trying to kill you.” He mumbled.  
I tilted my head, was I really screaming? “I don't remember much, just I was in a dark room, hands tied then he was there.” I said. 
“You didn't take your medicine last night.” James said 
“Ugh, I knew I was forgetting something.” I said, the therapist had put me on something to help these dreams they worked, only one down side, I missed one pill, nightmares. 
“None of us wanted to wake you.” 
“You guys never do.” 
“Cause your so cute in your sleep.” 
I rolled my eyes at that, only to get poked. 
“Don't.” I warned, got poked again. 
“Quit it.” another poke. 
Then he just kept poking me making me laugh. 
He stopped poking my nose. 
“Do I get to go to the gym today?” I asked bouncing on toes, I was completely ready to go, I knew if I was dressed they would take me. 
“School done.” 
“Like always.” 
“Let's go.” 
I rushed out of the door and to the car. 
“Is she already outside?” 
I breathed in the smell of the gym, the sweat and the smell of hairspray. 
I got pulled into a bone crushing hug by Abigail.  
“Abby, calm.” I said. 
“Sorry.” She said letting go. 
“It's okay.” I said grinning. 
“I have so much drama to fill you in on.” She said, pulling me on to the cheer floor. 
I looked up seeing my dads watching from the parent waiting room. 
“Come on ladies, we have competition in two months, last practice you guys were doing great.” The couch said. 
“Yeah, cause Taylor wasn't here.” Anna said causing the rest of the team to laugh, well not Abby. 
“Anna, shut it.” The coach said, she hated how Anna treated me. 
“Taylor you aren't pulling your tuck, you to Anna, you two are like fire and ice, you hate each other.” Coach Bree said she was our second coach. 
“Cause maybe Ms.Taylor wants to me like me.” Anna said, I raised my eyebrow at her. 
“More like you wanna be like me.” I said my arms crossed. 
“Ladies.” Coach Beth warned. 
“Wanna be.” 
“Show off.” 
“Ladies!” Coach Bree yelled. 
“You're right they are fire and ice.” 
“She just jealous cause Taylor's dads are Big Time Rush.” Abby said. 
“Am not.” 
“Are too.” 
“Ugh girls, can we go one practice without you guys fighting?” Coach Beth asked. 
“These two are worse then us.” Coach Bree said. 
“Pull your tuck.” 
“No you.” 
“Ya know what? Fine.” I said before pulling my tuck landing it perfectly. 
“That's one way to get her to pull it.” Coach Beth muttered. 
“Anna.” Coach Bree said. 
Anna groaned before pulling it landing slightly off. 
“You know what, I have an idea. Since you two have a hate for each other, I'm gonna make you fight for last pass in tumbling.” Bree said. 
“What? No! That's my pass.” Anna said. 
“So, Taylor's got just as good tumbling as you do.” Beth said. 
I smirked.  
“Taylor you want that pass don't ya?” Bree asked, I nodded.  
“Earn it.” The two coaches said at the same time.  
“Tumble off!” The rest of the team yelled, making me grin. 
“Let the best cheerleader win.” I said. 
We went back and forth out tumbling each other each time, but I was getting weared down, my ankle was killing me, but I ignored it. 
I ran and did my last pass this would determine who got the last pass, but as soon as I landed my back tuck I felt my ankle pop, sending me straight to the ground. 
“Taylor!” Abby yelled. 
Coach Bree ran over. 
“Where does it hurt?” She asked. 
“Ankle.” I said.  
She pulled off my shoe and sock, “It's swollen, Abby get one of her dad's she's gotta be taken to the hospital.” Coach Bree said. 
I groaned, great. 
I laid in the hospital bed, ankle propped up on a stack of pillows. 
“This only happens to me.” I sighed, as Kendall rubbed my hand with his thumb. 
“Please tell me it's just sprained so I can rest for a week and then get back on the floor.” I said as the doctor walked in. 
He sighed, “I hate to say, but it is broken, I'm surprised you didn't feel it.” He said. 
I groaned, “Why?” I sighed. 
“We'll put her in a cast.” The doctor said to my dads. 
“How did I not feel it break tho?” I asked after the doctor left.  
“Don't know.” James said. 
“I just felt it pop, that's it.” I said. 
“You're a trooper.” Kendall said. 
“It's gonna hurt when they move it huh?” I asked, the boys nodded. 
“Ugh!” I groaned. 
After a long process of moving my foot and getting the cast on, and me almost biting my bottom lip off, I was home.  
“I'm gonna die.” I whined. 
“No you're not.” Carlos said.  
“A whole six weeks with no cheerleading, that is torture.” I said looking up at him. 
“Six weeks, then you'll be back on the floor.” He said. 
“But Anna will take all my spots, she's getting last pass.” I said.  
“You'll get right back on it.” James said handing me a mug filled with hot chocolate. 
“Then I'll have to get all my skills back.” I said. 
“Slowly, and you'll have physical therapy.” Kendall said. 
“Just great.” I mumbled. 

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