Chapter 11

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I was cornered.

“Oh look at you, poor little thing.” Emily spat

I was cornered, by mean girls.

“Aw, she's gonna cry.” Molly said giggling.

I was cornered, by mean girls, who hated me.

“No one can save you now princess.” Julie spat.

I wanted to run but I couldn't, they had me cornered on a fence only a good block from my house, why did I convince the boys to let me walk home?

“No one cares about you.”

There's punch number one.

“No one loves you.”

Punch number two.

“You aren't going to be home for a while.”

Number three.

After at least three more punches delivered only to my stomach and ribs they ran, leaving me to hopefully get home before my dads got home from work and to hopefully get cleaned up.

Pushing the door open I noted that Logan's car was in the driveway, I could easily get past him, I ran to my room grabbing some sweats and a over sided t-shirt I got a shower, I groaned at the bruising on my stomach, Molly hit me hard this time.

I've been getting bullied for three weeks now, the first week it was just words and notes then week two was actual punches and now it just keeps going.

Walking down stairs I now realized all my dads were home, just great.

“Hey baby girl.” Carlos said picking me up.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow.” I said wincing.

“Are you okay?” Carlos asked setting me on the counter.

“Yeah, fine, it was just flag football day at gym and lets just say I took some rough tackles.” I lied shrugging.

“I told you guys girls shouldn't be in gym class.” James said making me glare at him.

“Where do you hurt?” Logan asked.

“My ribs and my stomach.” I said.

“Can I see?” Logan asked, I nodded lifting my shirt seeing the bruises which were now a very deep purple.

“Those actually don't look like they came from being tackled..” Carlos said looking at me.

“Taylor?” Kendall asked.

“You're getting bullied aren't you? These brusies look like from shoes.” Logan said

I looked down then back up before nodding, my hair that was in a ponytail shaking a bit.

“How long?” James asked.

“Three weeks, it was just words and notes the first week then it turned into this.” I said quietly.

“Baby Girl.” Carlos said picking me up, “You should of told us or a teacher.” He said.

“I told my gym teacher and I was told it happens to everyone and to get over it.” I said a tear slipping out only to be wiped away by Kendall.

“This is why I don't like teachers.” Carlos said.

I rested my head on Carlos' shoulder suddenly very tired.

“Why don't you put her down for a nap, I can tell she's tired, while I figure out what we're going to eat for dinner?” Kendall said, Carlos nodded.

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