Chapter 7

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I sighed looking at my dads.

“Why do I need to go, though. Going back to the place were I was left for so long?” I asked

“See your friends Tay, take a break from LA.” James said.

“But they don't want to see me dad! I'm their enemy now, I got adopted. If I go back no one will talk to me.” I said

“Alison will.” Carlos said

“Alison won't be there cause of the baby, her husband will be there but don't make me go, please!” I begged.

“It's only one week.” Kendall said

“One week is a year in my mind. You guys don't understand there is so many memories back at that place, it could put me in one of my trances.” I said

They looked at each other for a good long minute.

“Tay, go see Addi you've been talking about her all week, you miss her.” Kendall said

“Then bring Addi here! She'll love it.” I said

“You know we can't do that.” James said, I sighed.

“Fine I'll go, only for a week and you guys have to come back and get me.” I said

“Deal.” They said smiling.

That's one deal I wish I had never made, cause the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the front doors of the orphanage. I tightened my grip on my suitcase and walked in to see no kids around, I walked into the main office and smiled.

“Hey Dale.” I said smiling.

“Taylor, nice seeing you again, what are you doing back here?” Alison's husband asked a worried look on his face.

“Dads wanted me to come visit see everyone.” I said shrugging.

“You didn't hear? Alison and I are foster parents now, we are fostering pretty much everyone that was here.” He said, I smiled.

“Really all 15 kids?” I asked smiling. Yeah there wasn't that many kids here.

“Yeah, it's actually down to about 7 kids now, Zac, Abby, Victoria, Mason and Caleb and all the older kids got adopted not long after you did, Eli and Avery are still with us but I just stopped by to grab some papers.” Dale said.

“Oh..” I said looking down.

“Come on, I'll take you back to the house let you see everyone, how long are you staying?” Dale asked as we walked to his car.

“A week.” I said as I got into the car.

“How's the baby?” I asked smiling

“Taylor Liz is great.” He said smiling

“That's what you call her?” I asked grinning.

“Yeah, cause Alison won't let me call her Tay or Tay-Tay.” Dale said smiling

“I like Taylor Liz, it's better than Taylor Elizabeth or Taylor Beth.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Alison calls her Taylor Mae.” Dale said as we pulled up into the drive way.

“Come on, I believe a lot of people are going to be surprised that you're here.” Dale said smiling.

I got out of the car and walked up the the front of the house, it was a simple three story house, painted a pretty light blue and yellow, Alison's dream house.

“Ali, I got something to show you.” Dale called in a sing-a-song voice.

“What is it D, Taylor Mae is hungry and I got to feed her and oh my gosh Taylor Elizabeth what are you doing here?” Alison asked looking at me shocked.

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