Chapter 18

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~Taylor’s POV~

I glanced up at my Dads, I knew I was in more trouble than needed. Kendall pulled over and my breath caught in my throat. I tried to breath but couldn’t.

“Tay, breathe.” Kendall said resting his hand on my shoulder, which I flinched away.

It took me a good 15 minutes to catch my breath. Before Kendall pulled back on the road, “Los, call Scott and tell him we aren’t gonna be in today.” He muttered, which Carlos did, and Kendall turned around and headed back to the house.  Which scared me to death. I couldn’t believe it, what if they send me back to the orphanage? Or worst. They could… they could..

Once we got home, I got quickly escorted into the house then sat on the couch, before Kendall and Carlos walked into the kitchen. I sat on the couch curled into a ball playing with the locket they gave me last year, right as Emmy came down stairs. She looked at me and her eyes widened. Before she turned and walked back upstairs. Snitch. I looked up when Kendall and Carlos walked back in, Carlos handed me a cup of hot chocolate, which I was thankful for and Kendall handed me an anxiety pill, knowing good and well, I wouldn’t be able to get through this conversation without an anxiety attack but luckily, my anxiety pill would stop that.

“Start from the beginning.” Kendall sighed, grabbing my hand gently.

I huffed a bit, “It all started when Caleb moved it, at first it was fine, he was nice, he understood me a little bit, but then it just went out of control.” I said before bringing the cup up to my lips, sipping it, “He started to verbally abuse me, it was just words nothing more, then when you guys weren’t home he would punch me..” I muttered quietly, I wasn’t going to tell them everything, just everything they needed to know.

Kendall sighed heavily, playing with my hair gently, “Can I see?” he asked, motioning to my wrist, I shook my head no, pulling my wrist away.

“To fresh.” I muttered.

“When was the last time you cut?” Carlos asked. I leaned back farther back into the couch.

“This morning.” I said. Kendall sighed resting his head on my shoulder, they don’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into.


I couldn’t found my blades or knife anywhere, I was starting to panic. I looked into my room from my bedroom to see Carlos leaning on my wall, I took a deep breath and walked into my bedroom. “Where are they?” I asked trying to keep my breathing under control.

“Your dads and I have taken them away.” He said so calmly that it sounded rehearsed.

I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly, “Okay.” I said, they were just trying to help me, that’s all.

I laid on my bed snapping the rubber band on my wrist, watching my cuts burn red, my door cracked open, send Emmy crawled on my bed grabbing my arm along with the rubber band. I looked up at her, her eyes sparkled with what looked like sadness. “No.” she whispered, pulling the band off my wrist. “No more hurting yourself.” She said. I sighed, about to protest but she covered my mouth, she looked me in the eyes, I could see tears brimming, “Please stop.. I lost my first big sister cause she killed herself.. I don’t need to lose you.” She whimpered. My breath caught in my throat, no one knew Emmy’s past, from the little stuff that Ali told us, she was abandoned from birth. I pulled her into a hug tightly.

“Your big sister isn’t leaving this time Em, I’m so sorry..” I said, she wrapped her little arms around my neck, holding me tight. “Go back to bed Em.” I whispered.

“Can I sleep here tonight?” she asked, I nodded slowly.


~Kendall’s POV~

I walked into Taylor’s room to get her up for school, and the sight I saw made my heart just melt, Emmy was curled up into Taylor almost hugging her, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and took it quickly, then sent it to James, Logan and Carlos smirking to myself. Before walking over to the bed, picking up Emmy gently, she whined slightly before resting her head on my chest. “Taylor, come on sweetie get up.” I said shaking her slightly, she groaned before those blue eyes opened and brighten lightly.

“Morning.” I said smiling lightly. Emmy stirred in my arms.

“Daddy.” She said, opening her eyes.

“Morning, sweetheart, come on you two lets get some breakfast.” I mused.


~Taylor’s POV~

I sat in my therapist office, as she looked over my cuts, I winced every time she touched one of them. Which was a lot of wincing.

“Alright, I’ll leave you alone.” She mused before removing her glasses, “You need to start talking more, you need to start opening up, you need to forget about Caleb.” She said, wow, that was so gentle. Note the sarcasm guys.

“But.. But he raped me.” I said trying to swallow the word, I had never ever used that word before.

“Just like your father did, you have new dads and s new mom who aren’t going to hurt you anymore Taylor, you are safe.” She said.

The word safe made me sink, I thought I was safe, till Caleb came into the picture then he ruined my life.

“You got to shut off your brain sometimes Taylor, you think to much, you let your mind run and run in every situation and your brain somehow makes it bad.” She said. I huffed, she needed to be quiet.

She went on and on until I finally curled into a ball and covered my ears, “You can’t ignore me Taylor.” She said

“Shut up.” I muttered. I was never disrespectful to adults but she was pushing my limits. To far.


“How was the visit?” Alexa asked since she was picking me up that day. I didn’t know why but she could understand me more than my own dads.

“Horrible, mom, horrible. She pushed me to far.” I said huffing.

“I’m sorry sweetie. I really am. I wish I could make it better.” She said.

“Get dad to pull me from it.” I said. She chucked.

“You need it more than ever Taylor. I’m sorry but you do kiddo.” She said. I sighed heavily leaning back into the passenger seat.

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