Chapter 17

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Emmy was in love with the frozen movie, as was I. I guess you could call us, Elsa and Anna. After Frozen was over, the parents told us we were going to Disneyland, which is amazing, I might add. Emmy was laying on my bed, me in my reading chair, she was coloring I was reading.

“Taylor.. What’s Disneyland like?” she asked, not looking up from her coloring.

“I don’t know.” I said.

“Oh.” Was all she said.


“Disneyland!” Emmy squealed running around the hotel room we were in the VIP room which was pretty much the whole top floor. I smiled, earlier that morning, Alexa and Carlos had snuck down to the store and picked up the Anna dress for her, which makes her look so adorable I might add. I grinned as Alexa finished the braid for my hair.

“Come here, Emmy, let’s get your shoes on so we can go.” Kendall said grabbing her making her giggle.


I looked around the park smiling to myself, this was the happiest place on earth. Emmy giggled, she was resting in my arms, “That way! That way!” she said smiling. I look to where she was pointing and smiled. “To Peter Pan!” I said before running off towards it, Emmy giggling.


“Tea cups! Tea cups!” our dads chanted behind us as we got in line.

“Okay, James, Taylor, Emmy and I in one and Carlos, Logan and Alexa and the other!” Kendall said as the person let us in. We got in the tea cups and soon the ride started. For once in my life I thought I was gonna die. James and Kendall had the cup spinning so fast Emmy had to grab onto me to keep from flying out. She was giggling her head off, until the ride stopped. She looked over at Kendall and James and grinned, “Again!” she squealed


Three months later


(A/N: this is where I screw everything up yay!)

I sat on the bathroom floor, tears in my eyes, blade in my hand, one little knick and it could all be over, I looked down at my arm, covered in scars. So things haven’t been the best in the past few months, my biological parents had came back into the picture, destroying my chances of having any kind of family. We were now foster an older boy named Caleb who was nice at first but turned out to be my worst nightmare. He tortured me in more ways than one, my dads have been distant and Alexa was raising the three of us pretty much on her own.

“Taylor!” I heard I whimpered lightly and pulled my sleeve down and hid my blade. I walked out of the bathroom and was pushed against the wall, “There you are.”

“Get off of me you perv.” I hissed, he slapped me hard across the face.

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