Chapter 13

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“Submit, submit, submit and done, done, done.” I said closing my laptop, school done for the day now I get to relax for once, my dads were at work and I had the house to myself, might as well make the most of it.


In four hours, I had made dinner, pizza duh, cleaned the whole house and was now sitting on the couch watching a movie.

“Taylor we're home!”

“I smell pizza.”

“I smell clean house.”

“I'm never leaving you home alone again.”

I couldn't help but grin, “Is there a problem with me cleaning?” I asked.

“No.” They all replied.

“I made dinner too.” I said

“What else did you do? Kill someone?” James teased,

“No... Just.. Don't look in the freezer.” I said smirking before skipping off to my room.


I turned the page in the book, chewing on my thumbnail, I was on set, hiding myself in the love triangle of The Vampire Diaries, I saw some of the show and decided to pick up the books never thinking that I would get obsessed.

I looked up when I heard knocking.

“Hey kiddo.” Kendall mused sitting next to me, picking up the first book that I had just finished while they were working, “You and your vampires.” He said smirking, I made a noise of protest still reading, in the past few months, I had kinda put up a wall with my dads, I don't know what got into me, one day I just thought that maybe they were just keeping me around for the paps.

“Okay, what's wrong?” He asked, turning slightly and looking at me, I just hid myself more into the book and then he took it away grabbing my bookmark and putting the book out of my reach.

I looked up at him, green eyes meeting green blue ones, I shrugged trying to grab for my book which he grabbed my arm gently to stop me.

“Tay, what's wrong?” He asked again, I sighed in frustration, I didn't want to talk, I didn't even talk to my therapist anymore, I was mute.

Kendall looked at me, “Baby girl, you gotta tell me what's wrong so I can fix it.” He said, I looked into his eyes which were filled with concern and worry.

I simply shrugged at him, which he didn't like since he huffed.

“What happened to my happy little girl? The one that constantly smiled? Huh?” He asked, I shrugged in response.

He fell back into the couch, groaning, I grabbed my book getting myself right back into the story.

“Kendall, they need you back on set.” Katelyn said appearing in the door frame, Kendall got up, but not before kissing my forehead and then leaving kissing Katelyn's cheek, I swear they're secretly dating.

“Okay, Sweetie.” Katelyn said walking in taking Kendall's spot, I looked up at her, closing my book.

“Wanna tell me why you went mute on us?” She asked, I shook my head 'no'.

“This isn't like the Taylor I know.” She mused, I shrugged.

“You know your dads are worried about you.” She said, I nodded slowly.

I ended up not saying a word to anyone, not even Ciara, which wasn't normal for me, and now I sit in my room alone, that is until Carlos came in.

“Okay, munchkin.” He mused sitting on my bed grabbing the white stuffed bunny and hugging it gently. “What's got you so quiet?” He asked

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