Chapter 15

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(A/N: Starting out this one with Taylor and her little diary thingies.)

“Heyyyyyyyyyyy, to many ‘y’? Yeah, okay.. Buzz kills. Jk jk, I love you guys! So! Here’s an update on my wonderful life! The ‘rents have exciting news for everyone! But I can’t tell, I’m not allowed too. Enter sad face here. But I have a feeling you are all going to love it! Alright, I’ll let you all read on, okay, bye!”


(A/N: What’s the news????? Idk. :P)

I was lying in the middle of the floor flipping through study guides. “Tay!” I heard before someone burst through the door, hello Carlos.

“Yes?” I asked not looking up, Carlos fell to the floor looking at me, I looked up and sighed, “Yes?” I repeated.

“How would you like to have a little sibling?” Kendall asked walking in behind James and Alexa, I shot up, eyes wide.

“I was told that Alexa and Carlos wasn’t going to be having kids until after five years.” I said my voice trembling slightly.

“We have decided we wanted to adopt. Again.” Logan said. I sat there, stirring on the idea of a younger siblings. It wouldn’t be so bad, now that I think of it.

I chewed on my lip, “I guess it wouldn’t be so bad.” I said shrugging, “Do I have to share a room?” I asked,

“Nope.” James said.

“Alright. Cool.” I said nodding before going back to flipping through the study guides.


“How old?” Kendall asked

“Six.” I replied

“Hair color?”

“Blonde, duh.”

“Eye color.”

“We need a blue eye.”

“Do you have any friends that fit that?” He asked setting the cup of tea in front of me.

“Nope, but we could always ask Addie. She should have someone.” I said.

“I just got off the phone with her and there’s a little girl named Emmy Maria. She is 5 almost 6 she has red hair and guys, we need her.” Carlos said clutching him phone to his chest begging almost.

“Ask Lex.” Kendall said.

“Lex and Los, perfect.” I said smirking only to have Carlos pull my beanie over my head, “Hey! You messed up my hair! It was perfect!” I yelled watching Carlos run away chuckling.

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