Chapter 6

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A/N: I know you are all wondering why I changed the cover and why her hair is short, but you'll find that out in the next few chapters. :)

I rolled out of bed and walked down stairs.

I felt like complete and total crap.

“Morning.” I heard Logan say. I just walked over to him and put my forehead on his chest.

“You okay Tay?” He asked as he stopped cooking. He put his hand on my forehead which I leaned into.

“You're burning up.” He said then picked me up and set me on the counter.

He walked out of the room and came back moments later with a thermometer.

“Open.” He commanded I opened my mouth and let him pop the thermometer in my mouth.

“Don't you dare pull that out.” He said walking around the kitchen.

It soon beeped and Logan pulled it out of my mouth.

“101.1 back to bed for you Missy.” He said I made some kind of whining noise and reached my arms out.

“Morning.” James said walking in, Logan grabbed James hand and put it on my forehead as I dropped my arms back down to where I was slightly gripping the counter I was sitting on.

“She's burning up.” James said pressing his hand on my cheek and then my neck.

“Her temperature is 101.1 and if it gets any higher I'm taking her to the hospital.” Logan said

I shook my head, I hated hospitals.

“Don't shake your head to much, Munchkin.” Logan said, I reached my arms out for someone to hold me, I was cold and hungry and I wanted to feel better.

James picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“OK Love-bug will you take some medicine for me?” Logan asked.

I covered my mouth and shook my head, I hated medicine it was nasty and gross.

“Come on, Tay. It's going to make you feel better.” James said kissing my forehead. I looked up at him and then at Logan.

I nodded my head letting them know I'll take the medicine.

“Thatta girl.” Logan said measuring the medicine then handing it to me. I looked at it and took it, I whined, I was gross and horrible.

“Here.” Logan said handing me a glass of ginger ale.

I took a slow sip of it letting the taste of the soda wash out the taste of the medicine.

“Why don't you go get her back in bed while I get some soup started, that might help put her stomach at rest.” Logan said

James nodded and started up the stairs with me in his arms.

He opened my bedroom door and walked in tossing back the covers and laying me in the bed then covering me up.

“That medicine should put you to sleep, one of us will come in and wake you up when your soup is ready, OK?” He asked, I nodded.

I snuggled up in my comforter and fell asleep.


I felt someone put their hand on my forehead, it felt so nice and cold, my eyes fluttered open and I looked up to see Kendall.

“Hey, Tayter.” He said smiling at me.

“Will you let me take your temperature?” He asked, I nodded slowly. He slipped the thermometer in my mouth and put his hand on my cheek.

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