~ Away With The Fairies ~

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One moment they were standing in front of Emrik, hands placed on the book page and the next they were in the middle of a dark wood. Trees crowded around them, thick and close together, they were lucky they hadn't ended up inside one. L could hear water trickling in the distance, she could just make out a starry sky through the tree branches above, but she couldn't see any Fairies.

She knew the Fairy court was a mobile place, that the Fairies kept it moving to avoid attacks. So it was no surprise that she couldn't pinpoint where exactly they were. Had Emrik made a mistake in his coordinates?

"What do we do now?" Robbie asked, staring around blankly.

L shrugged, "I dunno, I assumed someone would be here to meet us."

She summoned a ball of magical light and the three of them scoured their surroundings. Still there was nothing to be seen, or heard for that matter, not even the sounds of wildlife in the undergrowth. There was nothing to suggest anything lived here, let alone the Fairies. There should have been tiny Fairy houses hanging from the tree branches, rows upon rows of lights dancing in the air, the chatter of numerous Fairies.

"Emrik did say they knew we were coming, didn't he?" L asked aloud, unsure what they were supposed to do.

"Yeah, he did... I don't like this. Something feels wrong."

This time L was on board with Bryce's suspicions, she readied a few abilities and extended her senses further.

"I agree, just be on your guard." She warned them and they began to make their way through the trees.

Robbie stuck close to L, there was no room for him to transform here and L quickly passed him a dagger from her bag.

"Just in case," she whispered.

Silence descended as they moved around tree roots, keeping alert for any sign of what might be going on. The wood was eerily quiet, this wasn't natural, L tried to find something to answer for this but nothing came forward as the cause. She couldn't see, hear or smell anything that shouldn't be there. What was going on?

They walked for a several more minutes, staying alert for even the slightest changes.

Suddenly, a scent drifted in on the wind and L caught the very faint but undeniable smell.

"Demons," she hissed.

The three of them were poised, there was no telling what they were walking into. The scent was faint but still close, which could mean Demons hadn't been nearby in the last few hours. L didn't want to let her guard down though, she couldn't be certain none were still hanging around. She kept her focus and led the way through the trees.

They rounded a large oak to find a horrific site, a Fairy village, or what was left of it, lay in ruins. Houses had been smashed or trampled, scorch marks outlined tiny shapes L didn't want to look at. The lights were flickering dismally and a large group of Fairies were huddled under the root of the mighty oak. L rushed forward without thinking, she didn't care if Demons were nearby right now. The Fairies needed her help, she kneeled down to them, noticing their panicked, terrified faces.

"Hello, please don't be frightened. My name is L, I'm-"

"The Keeper," a voice spoke from the midst of the group.

Whispers followed and the Fairies expressions changed to curiosity, and even hope. The owner of the voice slowly came forward, flanked by six Fairies all dressed in the same blue tunic and tights. The Fairy in question looked much like the others, she was dressed head to toe in pale pink, though a small coronet of flowers was perched on her auburn hair. L recognised her instantly and bowed her head.

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