~~ It's Your Lucky Day ~~

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L found Sully's behaviour even stranger than before but somehow it didn't stop them following him. Moments later they were standing at the edge of a field, a body of water could be seen in the distance. Where they were was big enough for Robbie to transform and he did so without hesitating. L watched the look of fascination on Sully's face intensify. Despite the long lives of the Supernatural, many of them wouldn't even have parents who would have seen the last of the Dragons.

She watched him circle Robbie, "This is incredible. Never thought I'd see the day, heard stories about the Dragons when I was a lad, always thought it was a shame they went dormant. Are there many more of ye?"

Robbie puffed his large nostrils, "Is he gonna ogle me the whole time?"

"Now you know how I feel." L chuckled, peering around Robbie's foreleg to where Sully was admiring his wings. "As far as I know, Robbie is the only one, it was under... unusual circumstances."

"Sounds juicy, you can tell me on the way." Sully peered up at Robbie expectantly.

Robbie turned his scaly head to L, his large brown eyes looked confused.

"I think he wants to see you take off," L explained, trying to hide her smile.

Robbie snorted, sending sparks from his nostrils and causing Sully to jump. He looked equal parts shocked and excited, and stepped back when Robbie unfurled his wings. Sully appeared to be in awe watching Robbie take off, he soared into the sky and leveled out just below the cloud line.

"That was... beautiful," Sully said, and L could hear the sincerity in his voice. She got the impression he didn't use it much.

L was just wondering if maybe there was more to him than the persona he'd shown so far when he turned to her and Bryce with a smirk.

"And then there were three, it's a nice number, don't ye think?" He wiggled his brow at the two of them and then he ran off.

L blinked in surprise and turned to Bryce, whose eyes were wide. Sully was unpredictable, crude, flirty, and there was no telling what he'd say next. But, they still ran after him in spite of his behaviour. Soon the three of them were racing across the land, with Robbie flying easily up above. They ran for maybe an hour, always going north; passing through towns, cities, over a long suspension bridge, and eventually a national park, which was wonderfully freeing.

They didn't stop and only made light conversation, though Sully was still intrigued by what happened with Robbie's awakening. He asked question after question whenever there was a lull in the wind, and L tried to answer without going into too much detail. She didn't feel comfortable divulging Robbie's story to him, his interest was a little too deep not to be suspicious.

The day wore on and by evening they had reached the northernmost point of mainland Scotland. L knew it as, Ceann Dùnaid, what she didn't know was why they were here. Sully must have however, he stopped when they reached the lighthouse at the end. There was nothing but sea in three directions, why would they stop here?

"Is this where the creature is?" L asked between mouthfuls of food, despite the confusion, the break was much needed.

"No, we're not there yet but you'll be happy to know there'll be no more running, or flying," he eyed Robbie with a grin.

"If I'm not flying, how are we getting to where we're going?" Robbie asked, wiping his mouth.

Sully seemed to find this extra amusing, he tapped his nose and walked off to consult the map that suddenly appeared in his hand.

Bryce sat down on the grass next to L and leaned in, "We have no idea what he's taking us into. I know what the other Leprechauns said but this makes me uneasy, not knowing where we're going or what might be waiting for us."

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