~~ It's Better This Way ~~

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The floor felt like it was wearing thin, thanks to the pacing L had been doing for the last hour. She'd said goodnight to Robbie a few hours before, and he'd promised to speak with Bryce as soon as he got in. Now it was just a waiting game, which gave L time to figure out what she was going to say. She had to push through the sinking feeling of where the conversation could potentially lead, and go straight for solutions.

They needed to be sure they were on the same page before the ball, and in turn, before they left for Paguea. L knew they'd all need their minds sharp and focused for that place. Since she'd begun to think more on that next step, she realised there wasn't much knowledge to go on. All she knew personally, was it had terrible weather and creatures more ferocious than any Demon. There were no maps to follow, the terrain changed constantly thanks to the weather. Any records previous visitors might have had were useless, they'd be going into this one blind.

L wondered what her parents thought she could possibly do to find them once she got to Paguea. She almost kicked herself for not thinking about it sooner. There had to be a way however, her parents wouldn't have sent for her if they didn't think she could make it.

L's patience was starting to wear with the floor, another hour and still nothing. She knew Robbie would tell Bryce that she needed to talk as soon as he got in, but how long would that be? This was getting ridiculous, did his dad keep him this long every night? It was possible he'd returned and was just too tired. No, Bryce wouldn't do that, not if he knew she wanted to talk. Maybe Robbie had fallen asleep before he could tell him.

L frowned, she wasn't sitting around any longer to find out. She walked over and opened her door, popping her head out into the corridor. Robbie's door was closed, and there was nobody else around. L crept across the landing, purposely making no sound in case anyone was listening. She tapped on the door to Robbie's room, the seconds passed but she received no answer. L's brow furrowed, she considered whether to go in anyway or leave it until morning.

But she knew she couldn't do that, she really wanted to speak to Bryce and who knew if they'd get the chance after tonight. She knocked again, louder this time. She could at least speak to Robbie and make sure things were okay. After a moment she heard shuffling inside, the door opened and Robbie appeared. His hair was disheveled and his eyes bleary, he stared down at her in confusion.

"L, what's wrong?"

L peered around him into the room, there was nobody there that she could sense.

"I was waiting for Bryce but it's really late, I thought you might have fallen asleep and missed your chance to tell him."

Robbie rubbed his eyes, "Nope, he hasn't been back at all. If he had I would have made him come to see you."

L arched a brow, watching him stifle a yawn, knowing full well he would have likely been asleep had Bryce come back.

"Where could he be? His parents wouldn't have him working through the night before the ball, would they?" Robbie shrugged and L peered down the corridor.

Robbie walked out to join her, "I don't know what to say, L. You're welcome to wait in here for Bryce though, then you definitely won't miss him."

L stared from his room, to hers. She didn't want to seem pushy, waiting around for Bryce just to bother him with her worries. But could this really wait?

"Okay yeah, I think I will wait here for him."

"Do you want anything?" Robbie asked, padding across the room back to his bed.

L walked to the foot of the bed and dropped to sit on the floor where there was a dark blue sleepimg bag and pillow. "Nah, I'll be fine here." 

"Okay, wake me up if you need to."

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