~~ First Impressions Are Lasting ~~

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L turned to head out, but not before catching the split second look of fear on both of their faces. Satisfied she'd made her point, L ran around the palace in search of Robbie. She covered the whole building in less than an hour, no Robbie to be found. He wouldn't just wander off, would he? L remembered when he decided to take himself off the last time and had everyone worrying; his adolescent Dragon side tends to get the better of him sometimes.

The idea of checking the whole of Eldercrest did occur to L but that would take hours and she was sure to be recognised. She didn't need the diversions of avoiding every single Elf she passed and add time on to finding Robbie. But he knew she wouldn't want him wandering off, not here of all places. She stood for a moment to compose herself when a voice intruded on her thoughts.

"L, are you there? Can't tell if I'm close enough... I'm outside, you have to come and see this."

It was Robbie, L felt relief wash over her and she projected it out at him through her words.

"You idiot, I thought something had happened to you!"

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Latia and I got talking and she mentioned an old spot they used to use to entertain Dragons when they were still around and I had to come see for myself."

L sighed heavily, "I'll be right there."

L rolled her eyes and began running, she roughly knew where to go but the records were fuzzy and she had to use Robbie as a guide. She couldn't really blame him for wanting to see more about his heritage but he could have at least let her know first.

She told him so as she drew closer and finally spotted him, and Latia, standing beside a collection of metallic, circular platforms. Each one varied in size, some smaller than Robbie and some much bigger. They were the seating area for the Dragons when they visited the Elves for whatever reason. L didn't know it was still around, the Elves must have held out for a time when the Dragons would return.

That or they'd just forgotten to dispose of the area. The trees and plants were overgrown and dirt covered some of the platforms, it definitely wasn't well kept. The Elves may have found it beneath them to clear it up, a waste of time that could be better spent doing something more important.

Robbie turned to face L when she reached them and he began to transform back, his expression held a small amount of guilt. "Sorry again for wandering off, L, I just got excited to see it."

"It's fine, I get it, just please don't do it again. I've got enough problems around here."

Robbie nodded and Latia bowed her head.

"I also apologise, Keeper. I shouldn't have gotten so distracted in my duties."

"It's okay, no harm done this time but we really should be getting back, Bryce is awake and talking." L glanced to Robbie, "We could come back here before we leave, so you can see it better."

Robbies brow creased, "Do you know more about this place?"

L nodded, unable to keep from laughing at Robbie's surprised tone. "Yes, some of it anyway."

Robbie's brows lifted, "Okay we have to come back to it then."

L agreed and gestured for Latia to lead the way. She nodded, regaining her composure, and escorted them back to the palace. They followed her and L smirked, rolling her eyes at how a girl and a promise of some sights could derail him. What would Nyla think?

L wasn't about to open that can of worms right now, her worry flipped to Bryce and all she wanted was to get back to protect him herself. They entered his room a few minutes later and L was pleasantly surprised to see Bryce sitting up, chatting animatedly with Aldrid. He looked almost back to himself again, especially the smirk he gave L when she walked in.

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