~~ Patience Is A Virtue ~~

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They ate in silence at first, but it was clear Robbie knew something was gnawing at her.

"Okay, what's up?" He finally asked, finishing the last of his pancakes just to see two more appear on his plate.

He grinned widely and tucked in, while L merely shrugged.

"Oh just... a lot, this feels so messy."

"Use a napkin then."

L rolled her eyes at his grin, "You know that's not what I meant. It's the politics of it all, and the suspicion, and the double meanings and..." L trailed off, staring at the kitchenware moving around, hoping it was making enough noise to cover their conversation.

"And things with Bryce?" Robbie was smirking, his brow arched and his expression all too knowing.

"Yes, it's all just... messy."

Robbie shrugged a shoulder, pushing the remnants of his breakfast away. "Well, you can handle the politics, you did great yesterday, it was brilliant seeing you stand up to the king and queen. They were so shocked, and impressed, to hear you talk the way you did."

"Yeah, so was Bryce apparently." L felt a blush darken her cheeks and Robbie didn't miss it.

"Oh I know, I was awake when he came in. I don't want details but somehow he managed to look distraught and ecstatic at the same time."

L's eyes grew wide, "Did he really look like that?"

Robbie smiled softly this time, "Yeah, he did... things are really getting serious, aren't they?"

L bit down on her lip, sighing as she thought about it. "Maybe... I don't know... I just think we haven't really had time to go over this relationship stuff. It's either that the world is ending, one of us is dying or there are Demons to kill. And now there's his family and his position here... it's just..."

"Messy," Robbie agreed.

L was glad he was starting to see it too. "But I don't want to bring it up to Bryce and make him feel like he has to choose or something. I think he'll make a great king, but he can't do that while he's constantly helping me. And then I don't know if I'm finding reasons to slow things down..."

Robbie looked pensive, he wasn't exactly experienced in relationships either but as L's best friend, he was the only person she would discuss these things with.

"All I can say, from seeing other relationships- mainly my parents, is that communication is the key. It sounds cliché but it's true, you have to talk to Bryce. He could be thinking similar things, maybe he already has an answer to what you're worried about."

L blew out a long breath, she knew he was right but it didn't make it any easier. "Alright, when I get the chance I'll talk to Bryce." L pushed her plate aside with Robbie's and watched them zoom off to be washed. "Now that we're done with the mushy stuff, shall we go check out those Dragonholds?"

Robbie grinned at her suggestion, "Yes please!"

L laughed and followed him out of the kitchen, neither of them reveled in talks about feelings, it's probably why they were such good friends. They walked in companionable silence and made their way outside. There were a few Elves congregated a few feet from the front of the palace; two guards were stopping them from entering and L could hear some of the conversations.

"Oh no, they've come to see me." L whispered, pulling Robbie back inside and closing the door.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

L frowned, thinking fast before anyone came to get her.

"I don't feel up to dealing with all of them just yet. You go first and I'll meet you there, I'll be the blur coming up fast."

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