~ Ready, Set, No ~

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The next morning started slow and quiet, relaxing given what their plans were. L ate breakfast with the Worcesters and opened her presents from the night before. There were so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts, L was overwhelmed by the generosity. She didn't know where she would put it all, but Mr Worcester kindly offered to build her some storage space. Once breakfast was over, Mrs Worcester asked what they had in mind for the day; L and Robbie exchanged a look that didn't go unnoticed by his parents.

"What? I hope you two aren't planning to go on anymore raids, you need your rest. You're going to run yourselves ragged at this rate."

Mrs Worcester's concern was evident, though L didn't think it was about to get any better when they told her what their actual plans were.

"No, it's not about anymore raids..." Robbie started.

Mr and Mrs Worcester watched the two of them expectantly when there was a knock at the door. L could sense who it was but she let Mr Worcester answer it without saying anything.

"Good morning, I came to help clean up before we get on the road." Bryce called as he walked into the kitchen, he looked cheerful as always.

"Before you what?" Mrs Worcester asked before L or Robbie could stop Bryce from putting his foot in it.

"You haven't told them yet?" Bryce muttered with a grimace.

L shook her head and turned to face Mr and Mrs Worcester, she began to explain what she'd found in the journal, and the decision they'd made as a result.

The kitchen was silent for several minutes after L had finished. Mr and Mrs Worcester shared a meaningful look, L assumed they knew what the other was thinking. After another moment they finally let the rest of the kitchen in on their thought processes.

"Well, we better get you packed then, you're going to need a lot of supplies." Mrs Worcester spoke first, her expression unreadable.

"You don't know how long you're going to be gone either, might need to take some money just in case." Mr Worcester added thoughtfully.

"Wait, you're not gonna get upset or tell us we should wait and think it through?" Robbie asked, his disbelief vying with his amusement.

"No. We know how long L has been waiting for this, and you two wouldn't go with her unless you'd thoroughly planned for any journey, any surprises or problems. We trust you, now let's get you packed." Mr Worcester explained with Mrs Worcester nodding beside him.

L was pleasantly surprised by their reaction, despite the fact that they knew how important this was and would never stand in her way; like Robbie, she had expected at least a little resistance to the suddenness of their plans.

"Okay, chop, chop, best get a move on if you want to leave this morning." Mrs Worcester ushered them out.

The rest of the morning was a blur of packing and organising, trips up and downstairs while they decided what they may or may not need. Bryce decided to clean up for Mr and Mrs Worcester, who were frantically trying to make L and Robbie take things they probably wouldn't need. The only things L knew for certain she needed were her parents' note and photo, the journal and Robbie and Bryce; everything else could be found or bought along the way.

But the Worcesters weren't having that, by the time they were all done, L and Robbie had two duffel bags fit to bursting.

"It's a good job you're both strong enough to carry those over long distances." Bryce remarked with a grin, he was busy eating a chocolate muffin Mrs Worcester must have baked.

"Mum, I don't think we're gonna need or want all this while we're on the move." Robbie tried to argue once again.

"And if you do, what then? You can't just steal or conjure up any thing you want. I've talked to Edra, there are rules, those things have to come from somewhere. No, you'll take as much as you can with you and I won't hear another word. As Bryce just said, you can both carry it all with you without the extra weight being a bother. Which also reminds me..."

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