~ Trick Or Troll ~

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Following the Troll was more difficult than L had assumed it would be. Its feet made no sound and it moved at incredible speed, considering its large size. L had to keep her distance and almost lost it a few times, luckily she could see through the dark and caught the disturbed dirt before it settled. They wound through the tunnels for what had to be over an hour but the Troll never seemed to falter. L didn't know how it was doing it, Trolls shouldn't have these abilities. She rounded the next corner to catch up when she was brought up short.

The Troll she'd been following had stopped and was on its hands and knees; L was eternally grateful for the small loincloth it wore around its lower body, she might never have recovered if it hadn't been there. She pressed herself against the wall and watched, wondering what it could possibly be doing. She kept her senses sharp, those that worked anyway, and heard the grunting of the Troll when it finally stood up. It didn't bother to look around or brush off the dirt, instead choosing to pick at the loincloth before heading further down the tunnel.

L followed carefully once it was out of sight and when she reached the spot where the Troll had been kneeling, she was surprised to see a grate in the ground. She squatted down and stared through the bars, it wasn't her prison and it did appear to be occupied, though L didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried.

"Did someone order room service?" L whispered, the sound echoing around the small cell.


Robbie looked up and L could see the relief in his eyes, he looked like he'd been crying and she noticed spots of blood on his knuckles, as well as the side of his forehead.

"L, is that you? What's going on? Where are we?" Robbie asked frantically, jumping up from the metal cot that looked like it had had a good kicking.

"I don't know yet and I'm not sure I want to, we have to find Bryce and get out of here. There's something about this place that doesn't feel right, something bad."

"I know, I can't transform in here either, it's too small... and I've had a splitting headache since I woke up."

L nodded, it would have been beneficial to have his Dragon form but it wouldn't have helped him get out through this tiny hole anyway.

"It's okay, I'll get you out."

L didn't know how she was going to do that, she couldn't phase with Robbie and she certainly couldn't cut the bars without having a few hours to spare.

"Any ideas?" Robbie asked after the moments ticked by. "How did you get out of your cell?"

L proceeded to tell him while she looked for a lock, or something that was keeping the grate closed.

"And you can't extend that to me?"

"No, it won't work like that... ugh!" L was beginning to get frustrated again, there was no visible lock and she had no idea how she was going to get Robbie out.

"It's okay, L, we'll figure something out," Robbie tried to reassure her.

"This is just typical though, we were on track to go get my parents and then it just had to be derailed by something. And Trolls nonetheless, people don't get ambushed by Trolls- Keepers, don't get ambushed by Trolls."

"Oh, is that what they are." Robbie sounded surprised.

"Yeah, and what was that one doing here just now?"

Robbie frowned up at her, "I don't know, it just stares down at me and grunts repeatedly. It felt like it was trying to tell me something, it's done that twice now since I woke up, but I can't understand what it's trying to say."

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