chapter xii.

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He wears the smell of blood

and death like a perfume.



After I had seen those images I set out to immediately look for any information that may help me find both the room and the girl. To my displeasure I came up with nothing that was helpful so I am left with very few choices.

The one I have chosen to do first was gather my followers to see if any of them sees anything else when the object is placed on them. So when it reaches midnight I leave my room to meet the others. When I get to the forbidden forest I see that everyone else has already arrived. 

"Why are we here?" Vittorio Rosier speaks up for the others. I ignore his question as I step closer so they all can get a better view for what I have to show them. 

"The next step in our plan is becoming harder than I expected it to be. I had Atarah retrieve the object from Dumbledore but it appears to be guarded by whoever created it." Pulling out the object from my pocket I hold it out for everyone to get a good view. 

"How do we access it then?" Malfoy enquired as he stepped closer to examine the object. 

"After I put it over my head a few images crossed my mind- I believe that by using those images it will lead us to the source that's needed to open it and give us access to the magic it contains." I explain to the others.

"What were the images you saw?" Lestrange speaks up, I give them a brief description of each picture including the girl and the letter I saw. Concluding how the two had to be connected. 

"So I need each of you to tell me if you see anything else." I added before handing the object to Avery first.

Avery quickly brought the object above his head and sets it over his neck, after a few moments passed he took it off and shook his head. "I didn't see anything." Francis uttered before handing it to Rosier next. 

The same thing happened with both Rosier and Lestrange, each leaving me more annoyed since the object has given me nothing to work off of yet. The object was quickly handed over to Abraxas and he did the same thing as the others. 

After several moments Abraxas shot his head up meeting my stare. "I saw something.." Abraxas declared as he took off the object and handed it back to me. 

"It wasn't much but I saw a house that looked like it was old- and there was a name on the front of the house- Bletchley." Finally information that I can work with, I know exactly where I can find out how to get there. 

"Well done Malfoy. Now you and I will go pay our friends a little visit and Rosier, Avery, and Lestrange while we are gone you all will find out if there is any more information that may be helpful." I explained while stuffing the object back into my pocket and turning back to Hogwarts.


After I got back I quickly set out to find the residence of the Bletchley family, not long after I found an address and told Malfoy that we would be leaving the next night. The next day we all stayed busy trying to find any more information until it was time to leave. 

In our sixth year we found a vanishing cabinet in an abandoned room at Hogwarts and we spent most of that year fixing it to make it easier to leave Hogwarts when we needed to. So once it was time to leave I met Malfoy in the classroom and we went through. 

We set up the vanishing cabinet to open into an old warehouse near London, once we stepped through we set out to the address we found. We reached the street after about half an hour and looked closer at each address. 

We were nearing the end of the street when I noticed something was wrong. 

"We should have passed it by now." I announced to Malfoy as we turned around to head back the way we came. I was counting the houses and their addresses when I stopped Malfoy and turned us towards a small clearing between two houses. 

"This is where the house should be." Stepping closer I noticed that the grass looks to have been growing there for a long time. Maybe our information is old or incorrect. 

"Are we sure that was the correct address? Maybe it was meant to be one of these other houses." Abraxas questioned as he pointed to other houses on each side of the clearing. 

After a few moments of watching the clearing I got an idea and started walking closer in. It's odd that there would be a clearing of this size in an area where there are houses crowding every square inch of land. 

Unless they can't. If whoever sealed the magic away in the object knew someone would seek this place one day then wouldn't they try to make it harder to access the magic.. not leaving it easy to find. 

"I think we are in the right place because there is a house here- we just can't see it." Piecing together the information I turn towards Malfoy who is looking even more confused than before.

"You think they hid the house?" Abraxas Avery asked puzzled as he looked back at the house. 

"I know they did and now we just have to find a way to reveal it." I explain as we start heading back.   


The day after Malfoy and I returned from visiting the Bletchley residence or where it should be. I asked the others to meet in the library so I can explain what we need to do next. We all met in the corner of the library at a large wooden table. 

Once everyone was there I explained what we found and after I finished explaining I asked if they found anything when we were gone. 

"Actually we did find something.." Avery said and hesitated before looking between Rosier and Lestrange. Vittorio pauses and then pulled out a crumbled up piece of paper. 

"We weren't sure what it was at first since it's old but we looked closer and realized who it was. We couldn't find much else so it seems that someone didn't want this information to be found." Rosier explained before passing the crumpled piece of paper across the table towards me. 

I picked it up and smoothed it out- at closer examination I realized that it's a picture. I look between the three faces on it moving from an older man and the woman next to him. Last I looked at the girl standing between the two smiling, she has to be around ten or eleven by the looks of it. 

Something looked so familiar when I looked at the girl.. what was it? No. It can't be I would know it. I never cared to ask for her last name so could it be her? 

"Atarah?" I question as I look between the others and I know the answer from each of their expressions. Atarah is the girl I saw in the image but what role does she play in opening up this object. 

My little game with her just got a lot more interesting. 

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