chapter lii.

237 11 3

"and he looked at me, like there was 

something in me worth looking at."



Tentatively I walk to where she stands, I have no way of knowing what she is thinking or feeling at this moment. Her eyes watch my every step and to not startle her I stop a foot away from her.

"Atarah." Her name on my lips came out soft and I see her chest rise and fall with deep breaths. Her face scrunches up and then she speaks, "I killed him." I take that moment and close the distance. One of my hands cups her face and the other one takes the scissors out of her hand and tosses them away. My eyes never leave hers.

"I know, love." And then I kiss her, briefly. It was selfish but I was afraid she was dead. Something I can barely believe I felt- in all my years I've been in control and never allowed something to scare me. But this... her safety was out of my control. Something that will not happen again. Not as long as I am breathing.

"Come on." I take her hand and lead us out of the house. I force us along until we make it to the inn that I've been staying in. Tomorrow we will return home but for now we will stay here.

She has not spoken since we left and now that we are both standing here in the dim room I begin to worry. I desperately want to know what she is thinking at this moment. I fear she realizes how entangled she is in my life and may now wish to leave.

My thoughts are racing and overpowering everything else that I almost don't notice when she speaks. "I should probably clean up." Everything about it sounds wrong.

She doesn't give me a chance to respond before she walks towards the attached bathroom and I feel stuck in place as I watch her. The way she enters the room and turns the light on. The brightness of it blinds me momentarily. But then everything becomes clear again and she's still in the same spot. I stand there for a few more seconds until I realize why she has not yet moved.

Without further hesitation I cross the room and come up behind her. I look into the mirror straight ahead of us and look at her in the reflection. She's still covered in blood that has now dried. A sight that I know terrifies her.

I move around her and block her view of the mirror so now she is only looking at me. Ever so gently I tilt her face up so she's looking into my eyes.

"What you did back there was necessary. Albus-" She winces at the name and I hate myself for causing that pain for her. I begin again. "He was evil. He killed and abused countless people and you stopped him from hurting anyone else. What you did tonight is not something you should regret or hate yourself for. I'm proud of you Atarah. For fighting." I gently run my fingers across her cheek. "For staying alive."

I watch as my words hit her and the tears that begin to build in her eyes. "Now let's clean you up." I take her hand in mine and lead her over to the bathtub. I turn the water on and as it fills up I help her undress. As soon as the tub is full I help her into the bathtub and once she is fully submerged I move to give her privacy. I am stopped by her grasp on my hand and her soft voice.

"Tom, please stay with me." I turn back around and kneel down next to her. I take the washcloth and begin to gently clean the blood from her skin. I watch as her eyes close and she lets out a shaky breath.

I continue washing her until all remnants of tonight are gone and the water has gone cold.  I pull her up and wrap her in a towel and clean up the bathroom while I let her change into different clothes of mine. After a few minutes I enter into the bedroom and see her laying on the bed, asleep.

I quietly get into bed next to her and for some reason I cannot tear my eyes away from her. Perhaps I am afraid that none of this is real and at any moment she will disappear. And even though I know she cannot hear me I say one word to her, filled with promise. "Always."


Light floods the room as morning arrives and as expected I was not able to fall asleep, not as if I tried. I was too preoccupied with thoughts of my next move. I want to bring her home but I know that Annalie is there and she is a danger to Atarah.

I begin to write a letter to send to Vittorio when I hear her voice from behind me. "Don't tell them."

I turn towards her and analyze her expression. Blank and emotionless. "And why is that?"

"I assume Annalie is there." She looks at me and I answer her even though it wasn't really a question. "Yes."

"Albus wasn't the one truly in control. It was Vera, her mother. And now she is out there on the loose. She's unpredictable and willing to go much farther than you would believe."

"What would you have me do then?"

"Tell them to meet you here, now. Tell them it is an emergency. Just don't tell them I am alive and am with you."

"And what happens when they arrive?"

"Do you trust me?" That question takes me by surprise. But not as much as my immediate response to it. "Yes."

"Good. Let me handle this then, Tom." I merely nod my head and begin writing to them all to arrive. A few minutes later it is sent and now all we have to do is wait. I told them my location and that there is a meeting room off the entrance where I will be expecting them.

I look back to Atarah who now sits in a chair staring out the window. "It's been sent." Her eyes slowly train to mine and it's almost like looking at a reflection. "We have much to do before they arrive."


Everyone arrived and they're now in the meeting room, waiting on me. I clench my jaw and enter the room. I ignore them all as I walk to the end chair and sit down. Once I am sitting I meet each of their gazes. All of the people I used to call my closest and most trusted friends now feel like strangers to me.

As expected Cyrus is the first to speak up. "Do you have any updates on Atarah?"

I ignore his question and look to Annalie who sits between Cyrus and Francis. "You all wear the same mark that is a symbol of loyalty. A sacrifice you all willingly took to earn my trust and respect. Yet, here you all are." I finally look away from her and move my eyes to them.

"My Lord, I do not understand." Francis is the one to speak this time.

"Silence!" My voice is hard. "I've been betrayed and I will not take it lightly." I finally look to Vittorio. "Though I will admit I haven't been betrayed by all of you. My last loyal soldier. Vittorio Rosier." He lowers his head slightly at my comment.

"We have not betrayed you, I promise My Lord." Cyrus's voice is panicked.

"On the contrary. But I'll let someone else explain your crimes this time." Just then the door opens and I watch as Atarah walks in. All eyes turn to her as she takes the seat opposite to mine. Her eyes on mine.

"Oh my God, Atarah." Annalie's high pitched voice breaks the silence. The sound of a chair leg scraping the hardwood flooring follows. And before Annalie can fully get out of her chair, Atarah speaks. "Sit back down." The coldness of her voice suspends Annalie in place.

"What's going on?" Francis looks between Atarah and myself in confusion.

"I think it's time we all talk and nobody is leaving this room until both of us are satisfied, do you all understand?" I reply calmly. "Why don't you start us off, my love?" I lean back in my chair as I give Atarah my full attention. And I can't help the smile that crosses my face. This right here. The both of us in charge, it's something I never knew I needed.

"I would love to. We have much to cover." She returns the same smile, the first bit of emotion I have seen from her since last night. And just like that I understand exactly what she plans to do tonight.

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