chapter liii.

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"if you are to be the sun, I am to be icarus, a fool fated to fall

and burn before I ever reach you. even of wings of wax,

I would fly towards you."



As everyone turns to stare at me in anticipation at what I am about to say I feel so much power course through me. It's nothing like I have ever felt before and it is exhilarating. I already know that now that I have gotten a taste I will not be able to let it go.

I smile at Tom and a fire lights in his eyes in return. This moment right here, us in this position feels right. Like this is what was meant to happen all along. Everything has built up just so we could end up here together.

"I have a little story to share with all of you although I think some of you may already know it." I glance at Annalie as I speak those last words. Her normally warm gaze has turned cold and although she's masked it I know she's afraid. She should be, because there is no escape for her.

"We all know that Dumbledore had an obsession with getting the key and we all assumed it was for himself but I have come to learn we were wrong. He wasn't the one in charge, his wife was. Vera Harrowsmith." I look directly at Annalie making sure she knows I am talking to her. "Although she doesn't go by that anymore, she changed it not long after her brother Killian died. Now she is known as Vera Smith. Isn't that right, Annalie?"

Everybody turns to face her at that, some faced with shock and others with confusion. However, I just smirk at revealing her true identity to all of them. "You're the daughter of Vera and Albus."

Francis speaks then, directly to her. "Tell me that's not true." He's pleading, hoping that I am lying to them. That I am wrong.

"Yes, but I no longer have a relationship with either of them. Once I learned the truth I left." She desperately tries to turn the narrative. I slam the table with my palm.

"Enough with the lies. I know the truth and you will not manipulate us any longer. Now let me continue with my story, I have much more to share." I see out of the corner of my eye Tom lean back farther in his chair as if he is amused.

"Vera wanted the key to raise her brother who had died. They've been looking since before we were born but have been unsuccessful. My family had it all along and once it was revealed that I was in possession of it they took me. I was held at their home being tortured so that I would reveal where it was. I could've easily given it up but I stayed loyal to my friends. I bid my time waiting for the right moment. Which came last night."

I stand up from my chair and begin to slowly circle the room. Knowing my next words will need me to be on my guard.

"Your parents let their guard down, believing I was too weak and stupid to try anything. Thinking they had broken me. They were wrong, I had been slowly gathering my strength. And when they turned their back on me I knew it was my only chance to end it for good. Now, there wasn't much left of you mother after I was done but your father on the other hand." I pause my words as I walk towards the table and lift up the plate cover. What I reveal elicits many gasps and I watch as Annalie reels back and covers her mouth.

Albus Dumbledore's head lays on the plate, separated from his body. Although Vera is still alive, if she knew that she would not be as willing to surrender.

"Do you remember when we were much younger and how we wished we were siblings. How much we wanted to be closer to each other. Well, I guess now we are. You aided in the death of my parents and I killed yours. So we're both orphaned."

The World is Yours | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now