chapter xxxiv.

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We loved with a love that was

more than love. 

- Edgar Allan Poe


Abraxas and I are currently searching the halls of Hogwarts for any sign of Francis. I had ordered Rosier to check out the vanishing cabinet and he hasn't returned yet. The halls are silent and we both walk cautiously with our wands in front of us. Finally we see Vittorio walking towards us.

"It's gone." Just as I thought it would be, I nod my head and sigh as I notice the night sky begin to lighten. "We need to get out of here." I hate that we didn't find Francis but I don't believe him to be dead, he always finds a way to get out of bad situations. The others nod in agreement and we head back the way we came. 

We reach the forbidden forest and make our back through. It is early morning by the time we return and I know we all feel a sense of relief that we weren't met with any threats in either Hogwarts or the forest. We are nearing the front door when it opens and a frantic Cyrus rushes out towards us. 

"She's gone." I stop in place at his words and Cyrus flinches at the way I look at him. "What?" I keep my voice as steady as possible which is harder than I would have thought it would be. 

"She tricked me and used a stunning spell, I just woke up and she's not here." I see Vittorio and Abraxas position themselves between Cyrus and myself. They're scared I am going to hurt him but they are wrong, I'm going to kill him. 



"Please wake up. Wake up!" I am shaking Francis but nothing is happening and I am beginning to really panic. I push myself off the ground and move around the room to see if there is anything that can help him. "Please." I beg silently for anything when suddenly a vial appears on the bedside table. I don't allow myself to question how it got there before I grab it and bring it over to where Francis lays. 

Lifting his head up slightly I begin to pour some into his mouth. After a few seconds Francis coughs and opens his eyes. I help him into a sitting position as he drinks the rest of the liquid. I look over again at the table and find ointments and bandages. Again I gather the items and return to where Francis is sitting. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask him the question as I begin to clean the wound on his face. 

"Better, thank you." I am just finishing up when he speaks again. 

"How are you here right now?" I move to his arm and begin working as I answer his question. "Tom, Abraxas, and Vittorio came for you and Annalie-" I notice the way he winces as I say her name but I continue speaking and plan to ask him about it later. "-Tom didn't want me to come but I followed behind them anyway without them knowing." 

A small laugh comes from Francis at my words, "Tom is going to be furious when he finds out you followed." Especially after he learns that I am stuck here until we can find a way to return. 

"Where else are you injured?" I finish wrapping his arm and he moves to unbutton his shirt. There are bruises above his ribs and a cut on his abdomen. "How did this happen?" As soon as I realize I am going to need more bandages they appear next to me. 

The World is Yours | Tom RiddleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum