chapter v.

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Oh they cut like knives.


The first game I ever learned to play was chess, my mother told me it was the key to solving any problem I may have. We would play day and night until I could finally beat her.

She taught me the importance of each piece on the board and how much it is like life. Maybe I didn't understand her at first but now each time I think about him I am realizing how right she is.

In the game of chess Tom Riddle is the player, and every single person in his life is a chess piece.

He has control of what happens and he just made me a chess piece in his game.


After that night at the party Tom and I hadn't talked or even looked at each other. It seems his business with me is over.

I hate how much time I spend each day thinking about him. He is intoxicating, his personality, his looks, his power.

That's the whole point isn't it? It's all one big show and we are his audience. We are at his mercy.

He likes it that way, he knows his power and uses it to his benefit. No matter who is hurt in the process, if he wants something he gets it.

I am laying in bed thinking when I finally fall asleep. The next thing I know I am being shaken awake.

I open my eyes to see Annalie standing over me with a look of fear on her face. "What? Whats wrong?" I ask now worried about what is happening.

I sit up in bed and look at the group of girls now standing around my bed wearing the same face. I am now starting to panic when Annalie sits down next to me.

"You were screaming, it was awful. Are you okay?" She says, I am trying to recall the dream I was having but only remember little pieces.

"Im fine, I promise. I am sorry for waking you all." I say and the others nod and go back to their beds. Annalie stays with me still worried.

"I promise I am fine, it was just a bad dream." I say trying to reassure Annalie, she finally gives in and heads back to her bed.

As I lay back down I think more to try and remember the dream I was having, I remember walking up to the astronomy tower and looking up at the stars.

Then someone came up next to me and held my hand, I don't remember what he looked like but he turned me around so I was facing him.

Before I could look up to see his face.. I try to remember what happened next but can't seem to remember the dream.

I lay in my bed trying to fall asleep but my mind races as I think about the dream and why I would be screaming.  Before I know it I hear the sound of the morning alarm.

I hadn't gotten any sleep at all, I feel exhausted at the awful night of sleep I had. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, I slip into the shower and stand under the running water.

I don't know how many minutes go by as I stand under the shower before there is a knock at the door. "Occupied!" I yell out loud.

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