chapter xix.

848 28 17

Even in a crowded room,

I'd only look at you.



After trying for hours to sleep I finally decided to leave my room and explore as much as I can. It's around five in the morning so I think I am safe to do so since everyone else should be sleeping. I move around looking at the different rooms but after a while I find myself in the garden outside. I have decided that the garden is my favorite part of the house. With the morning light cast upon the statues- It's absolutely breathtaking. 

I move among the statues for a time but only one truly captures my attention. In the far corner of the garden there stands a statue of a woman who was sculpted to look like she is wrapped in a veil. While looking up the statue I feel myself start to smile as I admire the beauty of it. 


I don't know how much time passed while I was in the garden but after a while I realized how hungry I was. So I made my way into the manor and while I am walking through the hallways I begin to hope that I am the only one awake. Since I am not yet ready to answer all the questions they may ask me. 

Although as I walk into the room I see that my wish is not answered- Tom, Abraxas, and Cyrus are eating breakfast and talking in hushed voices. They notice me right away and stop talking- their eyes following every movement I make. I do my best to try and ignore them as I walk to the table and take my seat. They still have not taken their eyes off me when I start piling up food on my plate and once I have gathered everything on my plate I start to get uncomfortable with the silence. 

Slowly I look up and meet Tom's gaze- "Yes?" I speak up, still keeping eye contact with him. Next to me I hear Abraxas's breath catch as he awaits Tom's reaction.  

"How are you feeling?" Tom asks and as I look back to my plate as I reply, "Fine." 

Tom seems to notice that I will not be answering any questions at the moment so he begins talking to the others about random topics. I'm sure he is only doing so because he doesn't want me to really know about what they were talking about when I entered the room. 

After I am almost finished with my meal, I look up and speak up for the first time since I came in. "I would like to go to Diagon alley today." Those words seem to shock the others because their conversation stops abruptly.

"No." Is the only reply I receive but I am not planning to give up that easily. "I am not asking- I am going to go to Diagon Alley today." I shoot back which causes Tom to raise his eyebrows at me. 

"And why are you going?" 

"Since you forced me to come here, I didn't have the opportunity to buy any Christmas gifts. So I still need to buy gifts." I reply and it is true that I need to get a gift- even though Annalie and I are not on speaking terms right now I am still planning on getting her something. 

It is quiet for a while as Tom thinks over my answer until he finally responds, "Fine but Abraxas and Vittorio are going to accompany you." 

"I don't need babysitters- I am perfectly fine going on my own." I counter in anger, Tom only shrugs and when I don't respond he looks away and begins talking with the others. So my only options are to go with Abraxas and Vittorio or to not go at all. 

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