chapter ix.

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Loving you was the most
exquisite form of
self destruction.


How fun it has all been, watching her become weaker with each word I speak. She has made this game so enjoyable, to be able to control her and make her see whatever I choose to show her.

I see the destruction that I am causing her and it only encourages me, seeing the power I have. I am aware at how much this is hurting her yet I feel nothing. She is nothing to me.

"My Lord, Annalie told me that she had a fight with Atarah yesterday." Francis Avery speaks up as he sits aside Abraxas Malfoy. Both of them had been assigned to Annalie and by what they are telling me my plan is going perfectly.

"Well done, is that all you have for me?" I ask the two in front of me as I continue to spin my wand in my hand. A small interaction is made between the two in front of me which quickly catches my eye and I stop moving my wand.

"What is it." I demand them as I meet their eyes, and as my eyes move to theirs they swiftly move their eyes away from mine. They are avoiding telling me something, I hate it.

"Do not make me ask you again." I say as I raise my voice and move to stand over them, they both squirm under my gaze. Neither of them speak another word which angers me, they made their choice but with it comes consequences.

"Very well, you may leave." I say as I turn around allowing them to move from their seats, neither of them move for a moment in shock at my reaction. Francis then moves first towards the door and Abraxas quickly follows behind. They are a foot away from the door when I make my move.

"CRUCIO!" I shout aiming towards the two and I watch as their bodies drop towards the ground in pain, faint whimpers coming from both of them as I keep the curse on them.

"You will listen to me!" I shout as I stand over their bodies as they writhe in pain beneath me. "You will answer to me!" I continue as I move down closer to them to make sure they are looking into my eyes. "I am your Lord." I say brining my voice to a harsh whisper for only them to hear.

"For your disobedience you both will suffer for half an hour. I hope what you are hiding will be worth it, but know nothing will ever stay a secret from me." I say as I clench my jaw, watching both of them scream from the pain. I quickly fix my tie and leave the room, allowing them to learn their lesson.


I should have seen all the warnings he has presented to me, yet I am blind to them. He has made me irrational in all things I should never have been brought into. He put me in this awful position and only Tom possesses the key for my escape.

Although I have an awful feeling that there is no key for me to escape, I feel as if he took it and threw it away. Making sure I will never possess the means to my freedom, my freedom from him.


It has been exactly nine days since Annalie and I had our fight, the day after the fight I had tried to talk to her but she walked right passed me as if I wasn't standing there. In the past our fights have been been a few times worse than this fight and we forgave each other a few days after our fight.

This is odd behavior from her and its seriously starting to worry me, there has to be some underlying issue apart from both of us being distant. I just hope she will give me the chance to talk to her and work things out between us.

I cannot go on this way knowing anni is holding a grudge against me, she can't ignore me forever and at some point she will have to give me the chance to give her my apology.

I am brought back to reality when Professor Slughorn dismisses us and students start to flood out of the classroom. As I am walking out of the classroom I notice Annalie's red hair in the crowd in front of me.

I speed up towards her but I am pulled back by other students rushing out of the classroom. When I finally reach the hallway I start to search for Annalie again only to see that she is no longer in the hallway and that I had missed her.

I follow a few other students down the hall in hopes that I will see Annalie again but when it is clear that she is gone I start to head back to the Hufflepuff common rooms.

When I enter the common room chatter and laughter fill the room from students who are occupying almost all the seats in the room. I decide to head up to my room to begin studying in quiet and to be alone with my thoughts.

As I reach my room only one other person sits in there with a pile of books spread across their bed as they are studying for an exam as well. I give them a small smile which they return as I lay down across my bed.

I close my eyes and feel myself being pulled into sleep, the world quiets around me and I feel myself relaxing. Until I hear a loud flutter near my head and open my eyes, glancing around the room I see that I am the only person in the room now.

As I examine the area around me to find the origin for the sound my eyes stop at a white letter that is now sitting on my bedstead. I pick it up examining it and, 'Atarah', is written in neat cursive across the cover of the envelope.

I slowly turn the envelope in my hand and begin to slowly rip open the letter revealing a small piece of paper that reads,

                         Meet me at the edge of the forbidden forest. Be there in twenty minutes.

- T. Riddle

My heart begins racing faster and my hand that is holding the letter begins shaking. I read the letter three times to make sure that I read it correctly. Before I realize what I am doing, I am putting on a jacket and rushing out of the common room.

My feet are carrying me out of the castle and I am walking across the grass, I can see the figure of  Tom Riddle standing near the edge of the forbidden forest. I want to turn around and rush back to my room but I know its too late when Tom Riddle meets my eyes and a small smirk spreads across his face.

"Atarah, you came. Good" Tom Riddle speaks as he steps forward meeting me, I look up to him meeting his eyes as he looks down upon me.

What am I doing here, I ask myself.

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