chapter vii.

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You asked me what
  You mean to me.
  My darling,
you are my poetry.
-nikita gill


I find myself standing in a dark room that I am unfamiliar with, only a small amount of light illuminates the room from a gap in the curtains. The room itself is cold and holds very little furniture, each item dark and bare.

Where am I? I ask myself as I step towards the window and pull apart the curtains. Looking out the large window I am met with the bright glow of the moon that casts onto the garden below the window.

I have never been here before. How did I get here? With each question racing through my mind the panic starts to set in.

"You're awake." A voice speaks from behind me, I spin around only to be met with darkness. A soft chuckle emerges from the darkness. I move forward to try and see who it is.

"Who's there?" I say out loud, a figure starts to move from the shadows towards the small bit of light that is coming from the window. Until his whole body is noticeable to my eyes.. Tom.

He wears a nasty smirk on his face as he walks closer to me, why has Tom Riddle chosen to torment me? He is now only a few inches away from me- now looking down at me.

"I warned you. I see you didn't listen though." His voice sends shivers down my body. I can feel his body coming closer and now we are almost touching.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask as my voice shakes underneath him. His finger slides across my cheek slowly, I turn my head away from him to pull away from his touch.

As he takes his hand away from my face, a cold absence is left from where his touch was a moment ago. It takes everything in me to not take his hand and put it back- although I fear for my life if I were to do that.

Tom Riddle makes a tsk before backing up slowly towards the other side of the room. "I didn't say you could speak." Tom raises his voice.

"You should have listened to me the first time, now look what I have to do." Tom Riddle speaks with anger, and beings pacing around the room. The room is silent except for the squeak of the floorboards under his steps.

"Please I don't know what you want from me." I say quickly and at my words the sounds stop as he stops pacing around the room. He comes towards me once again.

I am pushed against the wall as Tom Riddle blocks me from moving. Both of his arms on each side of my head as his face comes closer to mine. The moonlight illuminated onto his face showing me his angry expression.

His eyes dark and his jaw clenched in anger, I cower under him. He senses my fear and a smirk crosses his face, he likes this. He likes how he has this much power over me, he craves the fear that radiates off of me.

"I don't want anything from you, or at least not yet." He says closing the distance as he moves his face to the side of mine. My breathing intensifies at the close proximity between us.

"You see, you are a complication in my plan and I don't like that." Tom Riddle whispers in my ear, I shrink at his words and the only thing holding me up is him.

"I don't understand-" I start to say before Tom Riddle slams his hand against the wall by my head, and I can't help the shriek that escape my lips.

I feel Tom Riddle take a deep breath and back away from me, he stares at me. His face is blank and as I try to search his eyes for an answer- nothing is seen.

"It will all make sense soon but for now I am giving you this warning-" Tom Riddle says as he deepens his voice and looks me in the eyes. "-Do not say anything about this to anyone." It's the last words he says before he disappears in front of me.

I look around the room frantically as now the furniture is all missing, I start to walk forward but am pulled backwards and start to fall. I watch the sky disappear in front of me as I hit the ground.

I jolt forward and am only met with the darkness of my room. He got inside my head again. I take a few moment to control my breathing as I go over every single detail I can remember from the dream I just had.

Was it even a dream? It felt so real, but maybe it wasn't real. How could he have this control over me, I don't understand it, I don't understand any of it.

He claims I am a complication to his plan even if I don't know anything about it.

A few tears run down my face as I recall on the fear I felt a few moments ago with him. He has grabbed a hold of me and is not going to let me go.

There is no escape from him, well except one. I fear that is what is to happen to me when he is finished with me. My future holds whatever Tom Riddle chooses it to be.

He has control over me and I hate it. I hate that he can get inside my mind and make me see what he chooses. I hate that he has chosen to punish me for something I don't even know yet.

I hate that I want to see him even after all he has done to me. I hate how I find him intriguing even though he scares me.

And most of all I hate Tom Riddle.

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