chapter xlv.

435 14 7

You have no idea how bad it gets.



I'm laying on the ground in the fetal position, trembling from a mixture of exhaustion, hunger, and pain. Since Annalie left, I've been struggling to get air into my lungs. I am afraid- more afraid than I've been in a long time. I am scared for the future and for Tom. He did something and she left me to dwell in the unknown.

I can't protect any of them from here, I'm useless. I played a role in Francis's death and I can never take that back. He died for someone who never loved him. I feel the tightening in my chest as I think of him and what they did to him. I will not allow Dumbledore to do that to any more of my friends.

With that I struggle as I stand up. It takes me a moment to gather my footing in the dim light. Once I'm able to stand without almost falling over, I yell out his name- my voice cracking with the effort. I do it again after I am met with silence. By the fourth time I finally hear the shuffle of movement come towards me.

I step back as he comes into view, a curious glint in his eyes. "I'm afraid you're too late, my dear."

I take a deep breath before straightening my posture and staring down Dumbledore, knowing my next words will change everything. "I would like to make a deal."



I seal the envelope shut and store it underneath a loose floorboard just as soon as a knock sounds at my door. I slide the rug over the hidden space and make sure everything looks normal before I open the door for Vittorio to enter.

He silently enters and waits for me to speak. After shutting the door, I turn to face him. "I need you to do something for me."


"I contacted Dumbledore yesterday with a proposition and I received his reply late last night. He accepted it."

It takes Vittorio a moment to gather his words at my confession. "What sort of deal did you make?" I can see he is processing all the possibilities of what I could have done.

"I offered myself and the key in exchange for both Annalie and Atarah."

"My Lord-"

I cut him off before he said anything else, "I did not tell you this so you can change my mind. I've already set things in motion. We are to meet in an hour and as a sign of good faith in the exchange he is releasing Annalie to me first. So I need you to come with me- out of sight. To take her back here and make sure she is safe."

"Why am I the one you are telling this to?"

"Because you are the most committed to this and when he realizes that this-" I pull a partial key from my pocket and hold it out for him to see. "-is a fake, he is going to try and kill me. And if he succeeds I will need you to continue what we started. Can I trust you to do this, Vittorio?"

Without a moment of hesitation he holds out his arm in front of him and bows his head. I glance down at the outstretched arm and see the display of the dark mark. "Good. Let's leave before the others notice our absence."


We decided to meet in the same place he provided previously. Vittorio is already out of sight and I am standing in the clearing, waiting for Dumbledore. The moment it hits the hour we agreed on- he apparates several feet away from me. Annalie is next to him and fear coats her features.

The World is Yours | Tom RiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora