chapter vi.

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She is dangerous
when she's hurt, she can easily
destroy everything around her,
but she doesn't. Instead she
destroys herself.


Maybe the distance wasn't our problem, maybe it was you. Another two weeks have gone by and every night I have the same dream of you.

You hold me close before you let me fall, laughing at my pain in my screams. Annalie and the others wake up each time to check on me. Each time they ask me if I am okay and each time I say I am.

The truth is I am not, you are breaking me and yet you don't even know me. It's not fair.


"Atarah? Hello? Atarah!" Annalie speaks up before hitting me in the arm with a book. I look over at her before grabbing my arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" I exclaim as I take the book out of her hands. Annalie just groans before taking out another textbook from her bag.

"You promised that you would help me study!" Annalie responds. "I am helping you." I reply to Annalie as I take out my textbooks as well and begin reading over the material.

"Atarah, it's been a few weeks. Please tell me what is going on." Annalie states as she closes my book forcing me to face her. She wears a look of concern, I know I need to tell somebody but I don't even understand what is going on myself.

"I have been having nightmares-" I begin to explain, It's true that they are nightmares but I feel that they are a lot more. I fear they are showing me what my future will be. 

"-Not just any nightmares though. It's me dying and I don't know how to stop them or what to do." I continue explaining to Annalie, as I am talking she grabs my hand to comfort me.

I continue giving her more details of the dream and all that I can remember from it. Telling her this aloud gives me a sense of relief and it feels as though a weight has been lifted.

"I am so sorry that you have been having to deal with this. Maybe we should go to Professor Slughorn and ask for something to relive the nightmares." Annalie suggests, maybe that is the answer to the problem.

I must be having these nightmares because I am sleep deprived. I just need one night of sleep and they will all be gone. I agree to go see Professor Slughorn after we finish studying.


I stand in front of Professor Slughorn's classroom before I softly knock on the door. A few moments later the door in front of me opens revealing Professor Slughorn.

"Atarah! What do I owe this pleasure?" The professor exclaims before stepping aside to let me into the classroom. I walk into the classroom as he leads me towards his desk.

"Well lately I have been having trouble sleeping-" I start to explain to the teacher who rummages in his desk as he is trying to find something. "-I have been having nightmares every night." I continue explaining.

"Oh dear- I just used up the last vile of sleeping draught." Professor Slughorn explains as he taps his chin in thought. After a moment of him thinking he perks up as an idea crosses his mind.

"Oh I know! If you don't mind we can brew it tonight. It should be ready in no time!" Professor Slughorn suggests. Although it may not be ideal anything will help take these nightmares away allowing me to sleep.

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