chapter iv.

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I never craved attention
until I tasted yours.


"Hurry up!" Annalie yells to me from outside the door. I finish putting the last touches on before I leave the room. "Calm down, I'm ready." I say as I come up behind Annalie.

As I look at Annalie I notice how gorgeous she looks. She has styled her red hair in curls that go down her back. And she is also wearing a light blue dress that brings out her eyes.

"Finally." Annalie remarks before walking out of the common room. It is after curfew so we have to be especially quiet to not be caught.

We slowly make our way down the corridors to the dungeon. Once we arrive we knock on the large wood doors. Waiting for a few moment until we hear faint foot steps coming our way.

My heart starts racing at the anticipation of the steps now becoming closer. Before we know it the large door swings open and we are both pulled inside.

Inside the music is blasting throughout the room as people sway and dance on the floor. I first notice the dark green garments spread throughout the room.

We are the only other house in the room, this must be a set up. Eyes now move to us, people shooting us glares from all over the room.

We don't belong here, we need to leave now. In my mind I am already running out the door but my body pulls me deeper into the room.

"You came!" Avery shouts slurring his words. He stumbles over to us carrying a drink in his hand which is spilling over the floor.

I feel Annalie move closer to me as he stands in front of us. Avery wears a large grin and his eyes land on Annalie.

"Dance with me." Avery asks Annalie but his statement sounds more like a demand. Annalie glances at me before taking his hand and following him to the dance floor.

I now stand alone, so I quickly decide to grab a drink. As I move through the crowd I barely make it to the drink table without getting pushed a few times.

I am reaching for the cup when someone else grabs the cup away, looking up I meet those eyes again. I have met them too many times for my liking.

Yet I find myself wanting more, I'm losing myself in his eyes. I feel like I'm drowning, can he hear me screaming?

What am I doing here? I ask myself. "Hello." The words are spoken to me, with his voice cutting through the air. We are alone now in the room or have I already forgotten everyone else?

"I'm Tom Riddle." He introduces himself as if everyone doesn't already know who he is. After speaking he breaks eye contact while he turns to fill up his cup. I take that moment to catch my breath before replying.

"I'm Atarah." With my words he turns towards me and hands me the cup in his hand. "I know." Is the only thing he says before turning around and walking away.

Does he expect me to follow him? No. I need to find Annalie and leave. My mind wanders to what would happen if I chose to stay and follow him.

Before I know what I am doing I am moving across the room in the direction he just went. Where could he have gone? I am searching the room but he is nowhere to be seen.

No, I cant be looking for him. Where is Annalie? Scanning the room again, I quickly find her dancing with Avery. My heart sinks when I see her having a good time.

It's not that I don't want her to have a good time, I do. But I can't be here any longer. I need air, the room feels like it is closing in on me. I swiftly move towards the door and rush out of the room.

I move as fast as I can and find myself outside. As I fall to the ground I take a deep breath. I felt like I was being suffocated, is that what happens to those around him?

I hear a cough to my right and spin my head in the direction, why is he everywhere? Tom is leaning against the castle wall with a cigarette in his hand.

After a second he pushes himself off the wall and heads closer to me. "Leaving the party already?" He says while moving closer to me.

I stand up quickly as he is now only a few feet away from me. "I just needed some air." I reply as I try to not make eye contact with Tom.

His only reply is a soft nod as he takes in a breath of the cigarette. We stand there for a minute in silence before he decides to put out the cigarette.

"Would you like to go for a walk then?" I suck in a deep breath in shock as I register his words. Before I can think through what my answer should be I say, "yes". I watch as Tom's lips curve up in a slight smirk before he starts walking away.

Why am I here? Why is he being so nice right now? Several questions run through my mind before we both stop abruptly in front of the forbidden forest.

How did we get here so fast? I don't remember walking all the way over here. Is this a game? If it is I don't want to play anymore.

"What are we doing?" I blurt out in panic, my heart starts to race again. Why did I think it was a good idea to follow Tom Riddle.

"Going for a walk." Is all he replies as he turns around and faces me. "I think I would like to go back to the party now." I say as I back up to head towards the castle.

"I wanted to apologize for my friends the other night." I stop moving in shock as the words of what Tom just said sink in. Did he really just apologize?

Never would I have expected to hear an apology from him. Is it sincere? I look into his eyes so I can see for myself.

Although nothing rests in his eyes, no emotion or feeling. They draw me in and if I let myself I know I could lose myself in them.

"Thanks." I say before walking away again, was that believable? Will he leave me alone now? I hope he does, I don't know if I have the energy to stay away.

Everything about him is inviting, everything about Tom Riddle leaves me wanting more.

The World is Yours | Tom RiddleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang